
Twelve, also known as CT-12/12-0068, was one of many clones grown from the DNA of Jango Fett, a bounty hunter, on the planet of Kamino. These clones were created to fight for the Grand Army of the Republic. Twelve, like Jango Fett, was a Human male with a height of 1.83 meters. During the Clone Wars, Twelve served the Galactic Republic as a clone trooper major, commanding the Hawkbat Battalion, a military unit consisting of 576 troops. The Hawkbat Battalion was established before the Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY, and it was one of four battalions within the 101st Regiment. The 101st Regiment operated under the 7th Legion, 327th Star Corps, 2nd Sector Army, and Systems Army Alpha.

Behind the scenes

The first mention of Twelve appeared in an article titled Guide to the Grand Army of the Republic, which was written by Karen Traviss and Ryan Kaufman and published in Star Wars Insider 84 in September 2005. Later, in 2008, the entry for Hawkbat Battalion in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia included a reference to this clone trooper.


Notes and references
