Tusken King (rank)

Tusken King A Tusken King. During the Galactic Civil War era, the Tusken Raiders employed a rank known as Tusken King. While several Tusken Raiders held the title of King, the most renowned was the Tusken King who participated in the Invasion of Mos Espa, where he ultimately died.


The Tusken Raiders were originally referred to as Sand People until their brutal assault on Fort Tusken, which occurred roughly a century before the Battle of Yavin.

In earlier times, a Tusken King was a problem for the original inhabitants of Bestine. However, the existence of Tusken Kings was not officially verified until the Galactic Civil War, remaining largely a myth for a considerable duration. It was believed that the Tusken King was the most powerful and respected of all Sand People, guiding his tribe in battles and presiding over their important ceremonies.

Following the Battle of Yavin, a number of Tusken Kings are known to have led the Sand People during the time of the Galactic Civil War. One particularly notable example is the Tusken King who initiated an invasion of Mos Espa in 1 ABY, but met his end in the resulting battle. This specific Tusken King was distinguished by his krayt dragon skull rucksack and attire that differed greatly from that of typical Tusken Raiders.

Around the same period, at least one other Tusken Raider is known to have claimed the title of King on Tatooine. A Tusken King, along with a group of fellow Sand People, seized control of a village on Tatooine. However, Tolan Nokkar, a citizen who escaped, hired a spacer who freed the village by eliminating the Tuskens and their King. In that same year, a Tusken King, potentially the same one mentioned earlier, commanded a group of Sand People in capturing an Imperial bunker on the planet. In contrast to the Tusken King involved in the Invasion of Mos Espa, this King or these Kings wore clothing that was indistinguishable from that of other Tusken Raiders.

