Tolan Nokkar

Tolan Nokkar existed as a moisture farmer on the desert planet of Tatooine during the era of the Galactic Civil War.


In the initial stages of the Galactic Civil War, Tolan Nokkar resided in a village of moisture farmers. This village was situated within the Western Dune Sea region of the world Tatooine.

The refugee camp used by Tolan Nokkar and other escaped villagers

Around the time of the Battle of Yavin, the village suffered an assault and subsequent takeover by a Tusken Raiders tribe, under the command of a Tusken King. Although most villagers perished, Tolan Nokkar, along with a small number of others, successfully escaped. They then established a makeshift refugee camp within the Dune Sea, located relatively close to their former village.

During 1 ABY, Tolan Nokkar had an encounter with a spacer at the refugee camp. Nokkar pleaded with the spacer to eliminate the Tusken King. Subsequently, the spacer traveled to the ransacked village and engaged in combat with the Tusken King, as well as any other Tuskens who interfered. After succeeding, the spacer returned to Nokkar. Tolan Nokkar demonstrated his gratitude by presenting the spacer with 20,000 credits, which had been collectively gathered by the surviving villagers as a token of appreciation. Tolan Nokkar, along with the other survivors, then began to plan their return to the village as soon as they had successfully driven away the remaining Tusken Raiders.

Behind the scenes

Every possible depictions of Tolan Nokkar

Within the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided, Tolan Nokkar was featured as a non-player character. This game was a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game created by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts. The game's servers were ultimately taken offline on December 15, 2011. Due to the procedural generation of some characters in Galaxies, Tolan Nokkar's appearance changed each time a server reset occurred. Because of this, Nokkar's canonical species and gender are unknown. The species that Nokkar could appear as included, but were not necessarily limited to, Aqualish, Sullustans, and Zabrak.

