Trigdale Metallurgy

Trigdale Metallurgy, in essence, was an organization focused on the processing and refinement of raw minerals and crystals.


Trigdale Metallurgy, a prominent group, operated in the processing and refinement of raw minerals, as well as crystals. Their radioactive storage and reactor systems were especially noteworthy. Initially, they were a contributing sponsor of the Corporate Sector Authority, but they were later promoted to voting sponsor.

This company held secondary rights related to the development of Goroth Prime, a rare planet within the galaxy where hyperbarides occurred naturally. Due to insufficient capital, Trigdale could not become a primary developer of Goroth's resources during the bidding. Cambion Bayrd, the Director of Operations, oversaw Trigdale's Goroth branch and was entirely responsible for the success or failure of its operations there. He secretly arranged a partnership with the Karflo Corporation's Goroth branch, which was against Trigdale's strict rules.

At one point, Trigdale maintained a Tolium refinery on the world Seregar. Following the collapse of the Galactic Empire, Trigdale severed connections with numerous subsidiary divisions, including a marketing division. This division was subsequently seized by Saujutta-Ok-Topii and transformed into Syndicate One and Executive Results.

