Bayrd, the Cambion, held the position of Operations Director at Trigdale Metallurgy, specifically for their Goroth Prime location.
Known as "Goodtime Cambie," Cambion Bayrd was a corporate executive who worked diligently and enjoyed life to the fullest. Beneath his relaxed and jovial demeanor was a cunning and astute business intellect, ready to employ any tactic, including betrayal and defamation, to accomplish his objectives. Bayrd was given the role of Operations Director for Trigdale Metallurgy's endeavors situated on Goroth Prime.
Director Bayrd came to the conclusion that Trigdale lacked the necessary resources to properly manage the rights they had obtained on Goroth. Entrusted with complete accountability for the company's financial performance on the planet, Bayrd grew increasingly annoyed. He understood that success would make him a celebrated figure, while failure would result in him being ostracized. Receiving minimal assistance from the main office, Bayrd violated company policy by forging a strategic alliance with the Karflo Corporation. His aim was to displace TaggeCo from their dominant corporate position on the planet. Bayrd never intended to honor the partnership in the long run, focusing solely on the immediate benefits that Trigdale would reap.