Tierfon Rebel Outpost, alternatively referred to as the Tierfon Rebel Base, represented one of countless small installations under the control of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. The Tierfon Yellow Aces, a well-known squadron, operated from their home base on Tierfon. To ensure that the pilots were adequately rested while maintaining a continuous operational tempo, the base accommodated a complement of 158 pilots.
The base's hangar provided sufficient space for eight starfighters, typically X-wings, in addition to a light freighter such as a YT-1300 transport, and a number of airspeeders for surface operations on the planet's terrain.
Given that the sector had a limited presence of the Imperial Navy, any discovery of the base by the Galactic Empire meant it could be quickly evacuated and dismantled, as reinforcements generally required a minimum of two weeks to arrive.
Notable pilots stationed at Tierfon included Wes Janson and Jek Tono Porkins, both celebrated figures of the Galactic Civil War and members of Red Squadron. The Tierfon Yellow Squadron also included Tomer Darpen and Kissek Doran, who was the father of Kell Tainer. Conversely, N'dru Suhlak, despite his considerable piloting skills, was expelled from the base due to his extreme insubordination. Veedo Vaocan, an uncommon Rodian with pacifistic beliefs, held the position of chief surgeon.

Following the obliteration of Alderaan and the full realization of the destructive capacity of the first Death Star, Tierfon was elevated to "full active" status. However, the number of fighters assigned to the base was significantly reduced, with priority given to less fortified bases that required increased fighter protection, such as Yavin Base.
Prior to his deployment to Yavin Base, Janson was awarded the title of True Gunner by General Jan Dodonna in recognition of his outstanding performance, during an awards ceremony held at the base.
At Tierfon Rebel Outpost, the Alliance utilized electrotelescopes as an early warning system. Because these passive sensors only detected incoming light and energy emissions, they could be deployed without revealing the outpost's location.
The base remained operational throughout the duration of the Galactic Civil War, and continued to be used for several years afterward during the era of the New Republic.