Mitth'raw'nuruodo's patrol boat, a Vak patrol ship, was seized by Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo of the Chiss Ascendancy. He utilized it to flee the Vak homeworld of Primea, accompanied by the caregiver Mitth'ali'astov. To signal Admiral Ar'alani's arrival in the Vigilant to extract him, Thrawn employed modulated laserfire. As the Vigilant came under attack from four Lioaoin heavy cruisers acting under orders from the Nikardun Destiny, Thrawn, piloting the Vak patrol ship, engaged one of the cruisers, inflicting notable damage amidst the initial chaos. Following damage to his starfighter from enemy fire, Thrawn landed aboard the Vigilant, enabling their escape from Primea.
In his concluding maneuver against General Yiv, the Nikardun leader, Thrawn instructed Thalias and the sky-walker Che'ri to return the Vak fighter to Primea, carrying a message concerning Yiv. As Thrawn foresaw, Vaks loyal to Yiv captured the two Chiss, preventing the message's delivery; the capture of a sky-walker prompted the Ascendancy to authorize a retaliatory strike. The Vak Combine's subsequent search of the fighter revealed a second message from Thrawn, which warned of potential Vak collaboration with Yiv and detailed prior Nikardun activities.
The 2020 novel Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising by Timothy Zahn, which is the first book in the Star Wars: The Ascendancy Trilogy, marked the first appearance of Thrawn's patrol boat.