"The Rise of Clovis" represents the sixth installment within the sixth season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated television program. Despite initial plans for it to be broadcast during the fifth season, it was ultimately withheld. Its premiere occurred on February 22, 2014 via the German television channel Super RTL, alongside other episodes from the sixth season. Subsequently, it was made accessible to viewers in both the United States and Canada through the streaming service Netflix starting on March 7, 2014.
"Returning to Coruscant, Clovis—previously a known betrayer of the Republic—forges a questionable agreement that places him in the leadership position of the Banking Clan. Anakin's growing suspicion and animosity towards Clovis place significant strain on his relationship with Padmé, pushing it to a critical point."
Rush Clovis, accompanied by Padmé Amidala, and Anakin Skywalker, successfully arrive on Coruscant, possessing evidence exposing the InterGalactic Banking Clan's deceitful activities. On Scipio, the Core Five informs Nix Card that Anakin Skywalker's departure with the Senator should have been prevented, and any future disruptions to their schemes will be attributed to his failures. The board's chief, Clu Lesser, emphasizes to the group that, in addition to the files, Clovis will require access to their confidential account information. Card withdraws to his private chambers, where he establishes communication with Darth Sidious, who reassures him that their strategy can proceed without hindrance and guarantees his protection.
Upon their arrival on Coruscant, Yoda is present to greet the ship, accompanied by four members of the Senate Guards, who are tasked with escorting them to the Chancellor's office. Clovis presents his arguments before Chancellor Palpatine, Senator Bail Organa, and various members of the Jedi High Council. Organa voices skepticism regarding Clovis, considering his prior acts of betrayal, but Clovis asserts that his sole objective is to safeguard the integrity of the banking system. The disclosed files reveal substantial credit transfers into private accounts, thereby depleting the bank's capital reserves. Padmé vouches for Clovis's credibility, prompting the Chancellor to request her close collaboration with Clovis in investigating the scheme. Anakin urgently pleads with, and subsequently demands, that Padmé decline the assignment, but she insists on his trust in her judgment.
Sidious makes contact with Count Dooku, instructing him to re-enlist Clovis's services. The Sith Master intends to install him as the head of the Banking Clan, while simultaneously ordering Dooku to manipulate him into serving their interests once he assumes the position.
Obi-Wan Kenobi pays a visit to Anakin to discuss his and Yoda's worries that his judgments regarding Clovis are "clouded." After attending the opera together, Clovis reveals to Amidala that the files indicate the Separatists' failure to pay interest on their loans, while the Banking Clan extends credits to the Republic without adequate capital. During a shared meal, Clovis recounts his ascent within the Banking Clan: his father served as a human advisor to a Muun banker, and following his death in a shuttle accident when Clovis was twelve, he was adopted and raised by the Muun as his own son. He expresses gratitude to Padmé for her trust in him, but inquires about her relationship with Anakin, which she denies. As Clovis forcibly kisses her, Anakin enters the room and initiates choking Clovis using the Force. Drawing his lightsaber, Clovis challenges him to a fight without resorting to his "Jedi tricks," leading to a violent hand-to-hand confrontation as Padmé implores them to cease. While assaulting Clovis, Anakin recognizes the gravity of his actions and halts the fight. Captain Typho enters the room, and Clovis fabricates a story of an attack, claiming that Skywalker had rescued him.
As Clovis departs to receive medical attention for his injuries, Anakin offers an apology for his assault on Clovis, but Padmé instructs him to distance himself from her. Shortly thereafter, Anakin approaches Padmé on her balcony, where she expresses her belief that their relationship is built on deceit and secrecy, and that the violence and his lack of trust in her make her feel unsafe. She declares that they should refrain from seeing each other for a period. The 2-1B surgical droid tending to Clovis delivers a message from Count Dooku: the Confederacy will cover the interest on their loans, furnish Clovis with the details of the secret Muun accounts, and endorse his promotion to leader of the Banking Clan.
Senator Nix Card announces to the Chancellor that the Muun government has apprehended the leaders of the Banking Clan on charges of corruption. With the backing of the Chancellor and the Separatist government to assume the role of the new leader of the banks, Clovis faces a hostile Senate where he presents his case and provides evidence of the Banking Clan's corrupt practices. The Senate is persuaded, and a majority votes in favor of Clovis assuming control of the IGBC. Subsequently, Anakin locates Palpatine and two Republic Senate Commandos, warning Palpatine that Clovis cannot be trusted. While acknowledging Anakin's concerns, the Chancellor cites his own "private confidence" in Clovis and suggests the possibility of undiscovered information. With that, the two leave the Senate.
Based on the original broadcast sequence outlined in Star Wars Insider 134, "The Rise of Clovis" was initially slated as the sixth episode of Season Five, but this was subsequently changed to "A Test of Strength." Alongside the episodes "An Old Friend" and "Crisis at the Heart," "The Rise of Clovis" was postponed to a later position in the series' broadcast schedule. It was not broadcast during Season Five as originally planned.
According to Series Writer Brent Friedman, the story arc initiated with "The Rise of Clovis" formed part of a broader narrative that initially encompassed the episode "A Friend in Need," but the arc was later divided between seasons, with "A Friend in Need" being released with the series' fourth season.
During the confrontation between Anakin and Clovis, it is reportedly possible to discern "The Imperial March."