During the Clone Wars' concluding year, Rush Clovis, a human male politician and baron hailing from Scipio, ascended to the leadership of the InterGalactic Banking Clan. Clovis, once a member of the Galactic Republic, had served as a senator representing the Banking Clan within the Galactic Senate. Despite his initial integrity and desire to uphold the banks' honesty, he became entangled with corporate interests throughout the Clone Wars, ultimately betraying the Republic to finance weapons development for the Confederacy of Independent Systems. This betrayal led to his disgrace and removal from the Senate. Later, he sought the Republic's assistance in reforming the Banking Clan. However, despite appearances that he would liberate the Banking Clan from corruption, Clovis, unable to shake off his past, became a mere instrument in the hands of more powerful entities.
Rush Clovis embarked on his political journey by joining the Galactic Senate, having been raised partly as the adopted son within a prominent Muun family on Scipio. Initially viewed as an unremarkable corporate senator, Clovis's reputation was that of a politician lacking luster. He developed a strong infatuation with Senator Padmé Amidala from the Chommell sector, a fellow newcomer to the Senate. Their early collaboration resulted in the proposal of the Mid Rim Cooperation Motion in response to a crisis on Bromlarch. Following the legislation's passage, Amidala rebuffed Clovis's romantic advances, limiting their relationship to professional matters. Soon after, their relationship soured. Clovis became increasingly involved with the Senate's business factions and, like his colleagues, faced a conflict of interest when the Republic entered into conflict with the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
Similar to other commercial entities within the Senate, the InterGalactic Banking Clan declared its neutrality in the Clone Wars, providing funds to both warring parties. As the conflict intensified, Clovis and Trade Federation representative Lott Dod collaborated to finance a new Confederate droid foundry on Geonosis. Suspecting Clovis of treasonous activities, the Jedi High Council authorized Senator Amidala to investigate his dealings. Clovis, under the impression that she wished to rekindle their past romance, invited her to accompany him to Cato Neimoidia, where he intended to finalize his agreement with Dod in secrecy. Amidala uncovered Clovis's investment in the droid foundry, but Dod poisoned her to manipulate Clovis in their financial arrangement, preventing her from reporting her discoveries. Clovis, disregarding his agreement with Dod, successfully obtained an antidote for Amidala, inadvertently allowing her to escape with evidence of his treason.
After being ousted from the Senate and replaced by Nix Card, Clovis became an adjudicator for the Banking Clan, which was grappling with financial ruin in the war's final year due to its split funds. Driven by a desire to rectify these problems and restore the banks to their former glory, Clovis worked alongside Amidala to reveal the full extent of the Banking Clan's economic woes and corruption. Despite his change of heart, Clovis secretly struck a deal with Confederate Head of State Dooku to help him replace the leadership of the Banking Clan. Despite his attempts to legitimize his position after seizing power, Clovis was manipulated by Dooku and compelled to raise interest rates on the Republic. His agreement further backfired when the Confederacy invaded Scipio to seize control of the banks, leaving Clovis and a captive Amidala stranded on the planet. The Republic responded with its own invasion, and amidst the ensuing conflict, a conflicted and remorseful Clovis committed suicide to safeguard Padmé.

Rush Clovis entered the world, being born to human parents on the Outer Rim planet of Scipio. This planet served as the homeworld for the Muun species. It also held significant importance for the InterGalactic Banking Clan, a crucial institution for the economic stability of the galaxy. The Main Vault fortress, a primary vault for the Banking Clan, was located on Scipio. Clovis and his family served within the household of a leading Muun family, with his father working as a personal attaché. Despite their humble status, Clovis, unaware of his servant status during his upbringing, garnered the attention of the head of the Muun family, a banker who took a keen interest in the young boy's education. This Muun allowed Clovis to study alongside his own children, who were of similar age. However, tragedy struck when Clovis was twelve years old. A shuttle accident claimed the lives of Clovis's parents and the Muun banker's wife, leaving Clovis orphaned and the Muun widowed.
Following the accident, the Muun adopted Clovis, treating him as his own offspring. Now formally integrated into the Muun family, Clovis was universally accepted as the banker's child. Due to his deep integration into Muun society, Clovis remained unconcerned about being human, even though his species sometimes raised eyebrows among those who associated Scipio and the Banking Clan with the Muuns. Clovis disliked the stereotyping of Muuns as greedy and defended them against such accusations. The tragic shuttle crash marked the sole instance of significant suffering in Clovis's early life, and he enjoyed relative happiness with his adoptive family throughout his adolescence. As the adopted son of the influential Muun, Clovis had a clear path to a career within the Banking Clan and the Muun government, and with the support of his powerful family, he ascended to a lower-ranking position within the banks.

In the year 28 BBY, Clovis embarked on a journey into the realm of public service, securing a position as the elected representative for Scipio. This role also encompassed the Banking Clan, due to Scipio's ties to these financial institutions, within the Galactic Senate. The Senate, a legislative body, served as the arm of the Galactic Republic. Among the eight newly elected senators was Padmé Amidala, the former Queen of Naboo, who decided to re-enter politics, succeeding the retiring Oshadam as the senator for the Chommell sector. Six weeks prior to their inaugural session, Clovis and the other newcomers arrived on Coruscant, the capital of the Republic, for orientation.
These initial weeks were meticulously planned and structured, designed to immerse the incoming representatives in the protocols and institutions of the Republic. Each senator was assigned a NON droid unit to guide them through the Senate Rotunda and the surrounding district. Clovis, overwhelmed by the scale of Coruscant compared to Scipio, used this orientation period to become acquainted with Senator Amidala. He learned about Naboo's traditions and developed a fondness for her within a short period. However, just days before their first session, Amidala's NON unit malfunctioned, nearly causing her death, an incident that rapidly spread across the holonet.
Upon the conclusion of the six-week orientation, Clovis formally debuted as a senator at the new congressional session. Finding the session uninteresting due to its focus on tabled motions rather than debates, Clovis exited his senate pod after the closing chime and encountered Amidala. After they both expressed agreement about the session's lack of excitement, he was pleased when she remembered his name. Aware that she had not received a notification due to her NON unit's decommissioning, he informed her about a reception for the new senators and other guests, hosted by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Amidala, grateful for the information, invited him for a walk. During their walk to the reception, Clovis shared his experiences of Scipio and his feeling of being overwhelmed by Coruscant. When Clovis suggested that she must also be overwhelmed, Padmé looked at him intently, which made him uncomfortable. He then clumsily referred to news reports about her near-death experience, and then tried to recover by saying that she was not unqualified to be a senator, just new. He then asked if they could learn to fit into their roles together, but Amidala was confused by his intentions and cryptically replied that they would learn "soon enough," which pleased him anyway.
Reaching the reception's entrance, Clovis confidently passed Palpatine's Red Guard without an escort, while Amidala and her staff followed. Inside, Clovis and Amidala separated, not encountering each other again until an event for the Alderaanian delegation the next day, where Clovis only saw her from a distance. Unbeknownst to him, the Padmé he observed was actually a decoy, her handmaiden [Cordé](/article/cord%c3%a9]. Finding the reception dull, Clovis departed early to explore Coruscant's nightlife. He discovered the nightclub Caraveg, and was surprised to find Senator Amidala there, accompanied by a small group. As they noticed each other, Clovis began to greet her, but she jumped up from her booth and dragged him to the table before he could speak, warning him not to shout her name in a public establishment. He expressed shock that Padmé's driver was able to get her to the club so quickly after the reception, and her driver, Daneska Varbarós, curtly told him that she was much better than his droid.
Amidala introduced Clovis to Tonra and Sabé, whom she called friends from Naboo. She falsely claimed they were part of a cultural exchange on Coruscant, when in reality, they were members of her royal security, present for a secret meeting with the senator. Deceived, Clovis mentioned that Amidala had spoken highly of Naboo, and asked if it was true that they were all artists. Tonra and Sabé jokingly said that they were an acrobat and a juggler, respectively, but Clovis, unaware of their sarcasm, was astonished by their professions. He expressed a desire to visit Naboo, but Amidala requested a moment alone with her friends. Clovis complied, and Varbarós escorted him to the bar to allow Padmé privacy. Shortly after, Amidala signaled Varbarós to return, and Clovis slowly followed behind her, to Sabé's visible disappointment. As Sabé and Tonra bid farewell to Amidala, Clovis rejoined the table, only to find them leaving. Disappointed, Clovis tried to convince them to stay and told them that there would be a concert later, but Padmé advised him to leave the club as well. As Sabé and Tonra left, Clovis asked Amidala where she was planning on going, but she instead began explaining more Naboo traditions.
After Padmé had left the Caraveg, Clovis was seen inside by one of the newsnets, who wrote a story on the young senator ducking out on the Alderaanian reception and going to an incredibly dangerous nightclub. The news outlet did not know that Amidala had been there as well, and when interviewed, Clovis covered for her and told the reporters that he was meeting friends from home. Following his initial days in office, Clovis began exploring the various committees and factions within the Senate, particularly those focused on finance. His reputation among his colleagues and their staff was mixed. Some valued his straightforwardness and honesty, while others viewed him as a poor politician and questioned his motives as he navigated the financial factions. Some were simply irritated by his personality.
During a gala hosted by Senator Mon Mothma of Chandrila in one of Coruscant's public gardens, Clovis approached Amidala, who was actually Sabé acting as a decoy, and crossed what she deemed a safe distance. Amidala's handmaiden, Cordé, intervened to distract Clovis and ease Sabé. Over the next six months, Clovis became a frequent visitor to Amidala's office as they both settled into their roles. As Clovis increasingly aligned himself with the Banking Clan's interests and Amidala joined a group of senators with progressive views, their schedules diverged, and he began visiting her simply to talk. His visits were always unannounced, to the annoyance of her staff. After eight months in office, Clovis and the rest of the Senate were granted a recess to return to their home worlds before the next congressional session.
Upon Clovis's and the Senate's return to Coruscant, a crisis emerged on the Mid Rim planet Bromlarch. The planet suffered a massive wave of seismic activity, which destroyed the planetary aqueduct system, threatening the planet's agriculture and endangering millions of residents. Shortly after his return, Clovis was summoned to an emergency hearing led by Bromlarch's Senator, Caelor Gaans, regarding the disaster. Following Gaans's plea, Clovis chose to make his first independent address to the Senate, requesting permission from Chancellor Palpatine, who granted him the opportunity to speak. Clovis proposed sending an auditing team to Bromlarch to assess the damage and provide a cost estimate for repairs.
He argued that the Senate was capable of conducting such a survey, given the overwhelmed state of Bromlarch's citizens, and that further decisions could be made once the team had a clear understanding of the situation. Senator Mina Bonteri of Onderon, who had been relatively quiet during the previous session, seconded Clovis's motion. Chancellor Palpatine, after consulting with his advisors, including Vice Chair Mas Amedda, approved Clovis's proposal. He informed Clovis and Bonteri that he would request the Jedi Order to provide a member to accompany them, as the Jedi would offer a humanitarian perspective rather than a politically driven one. He also allowed them to invite colleagues to join their survey team.
Following the Senate's adjournment, Clovis sought out Bonteri, finding her and Padmé on a bench in an alcove near the main corridor. He asked Bonteri if Amidala was their first volunteer, and she coolly answered yes. Pleased, Clovis offered his ship and its crew for the auditing team's use, and inquired about any other members they would be bringing. Amidala said that she was bringing along a droid, and Bonteri said that she would bring her secretary to help cover the recording. Bonteri reminded Clovis that Senator Gaans would be with them, which she believed would give them a sufficient number for the group. Though Bonteri was making it clear that, even though Clovis had proposed the survey, she was in charge, Clovis was not offended and asked her and Amidala if they would be ready to depart in four hours. Both agreed with the time, and Clovis told them he would send his shuttle to pick them up when they were ready. Eager to assist Bromlarch, Clovis purchased a supply of ration bars and medical supplies, storing them in his ship's hold. When the time came, Clovis gathered Gaans and the auditing team for the relief mission, which comprised Bonteri, Amidala, Bonteri's secretary, the droid R2-D2, and Jedi Master Depa Billaba, aboard his ship and left Coruscant for Bromlarch.
Upon arriving at Bromlarch, Clovis instructed his pilot to position the ship in orbit, allowing the survey team to observe the planet's surface. While Gaans, Amidala, and Billaba were observing the lights of settlements with restored power from the viewport, Clovis entered the room and told them that they would be landing once their clearance came in and advised them to get ready. Padmé left the room to get R2-D2, and everyone else stayed behind to watch the landing procedures. The Bromlarch planetary council was awaiting their arrival. Bonteri and Gaans exited the ship first, followed by Amidala and R2. Clovis attempted to walk beside her, but her droid forced him to walk by himself behind her, with Master Billaba making up the rear.
Gaans and Chief Councilor Eema embraced, and the senator introduced the survey team to the planetary leader. Eema apologized that she could not accommodate the group, but Clovis assured her that it was not a problem because they would stay aboard his ship. He also told Eema about the supplies he had bought, admitting that it was not a lot but expressing hope that it would help. Eema thanked him for the supplies and had the crates offloaded and packed into several of the shuttles on the landing pad. The Bromlarch Council could only spare one liaison to the diplomats, Ninui, who stayed behind while the councilors left for the city with Clovis's supplies.
Padmé comforted Ninui and proposed that they take the ship back into orbit so they could use the landing pad. Clovis noticed that Ninui was stressed and suggested that they all go aboard his ship, so she could get something to eat and have some time to think in quiet. She smiled at Clovis gratefully, and he and Amidala brought her aboard while R2 and Billaba stayed outside on the dock. Clovis prepared her a tray of food and caf, and they were joined in the viewing room by Bonteri and her secretary. Bonteri told Ninui that they should keep the survey simple, which would make their motion easier to introduce in the Senate. Amidala asked her what it was she and her people needed most, and Clovis refilled her caf while she said that they needed water and food most urgently.
Bonteri noted that maintaining a water supply would mean repairing the aqueduct, but Ninui pointed out that the problem was more complicated since there was heavy rainfall in the Dravabi Province. Padmé stated that Bromlarch needed water control, and Clovis pointed out that it still meant they'd need to repair the aqueduct. Bonteri rebuked Clovis and said that Amidala was right to make the distinction, because the issue wasn't a lack of water but where the water was located. Amidala asked Ninui what Bromlarch needed to repair the aqueduct, and when she answered permacrete, Padmé said that she would be able to get those supplies to the planet through one of her committees. Bonteri told Ninui that she didn't have to remember all they were planning and assured her that her secretary would send her notes later.
Ninui was relieved and put her head on the table and told the group that she had never been so tired. Having never witnessed suffering on such a scale, Clovis looked at her with a strange expression on his face. He gently asked her to give their pilot the coordinates of anything else they needed to see on Bromlarch and recommended that she relax in one of the comfortable seats on the bridge. Ninui agreed, and Amidala left to ask if R2-D2 and Master Billaba wanted to join them on the aerial survey. After conducting the survey, the team completed their audit and prepared to return to Coruscant. They determined that Bonteri would make the official Senate report, and they would make their next decision based on the reaction it got in the Senate.
Shortly before his ship emerged from hyperspace above Coruscant, Clovis approached Amidala to express his gratitude for her presence on the trip. He confessed that he had been uncertain about what to expect on Bromlarch and would have been overwhelmed without her support. Padmé praised his handling of Ninui and his ability to recognize her need for support. Clovis responded that it was easier when it was just one person and told Amidala that she could look to an entire planet in need of help and not flinch. She reminded him that she had practice at it, and he asked whether or not there was something else besides her time as Queen of Naboo. She took a deep breath and told him the story of her time working with her father on relief missions while she was a child. She told him that, on one mission to relocate the citizens of Shadda-Bi-Boran, the relief team was unable to replicate their environment properly. Clovis asked what happened to them, and she painfully admitted that they had all died.
Clovis searched her face for a moment and stated that she would do it again, which she confirmed, telling him that she would try as many times as possible to help those in need. The ship dropped out of hyperspace, and Clovis's pilot came on the comm to tell them to prepare for landing. Clovis remained silent until the ship was on the ground, when he told Amidala that, although they had come to the Senate for different reasons, they could do alright together if she wanted to. She informed him that she would keep it in mind, and he responded that he looked forward to it, addressing her as Amidala. She interjected and told him that he could call her Padmé, which she wouldn't mind as long as no one was around. Clovis told her that he was partial to his surname, which he shared with his late parents. Amidala mentioned to him that, on Naboo, they called people by whatever name they wished. Clovis asked what they did when someone wanted to change their name, and she simply replied that they would call them by their new name. He walked her to the ship's ramp, where she said goodbye to Master Billaba joined Senator Bonteri to be dropped off at her apartment.
The following morning, Bonteri delivered her address to the Senate regarding the crisis, proposing a motion to fund the reconstruction of Bromlarch's infrastructure. Following Bonteri's address, Senator Lott Dod of the Trade Federation was granted the floor, and he immediately criticized Bonteri and Gaans for requesting excessive funding from the Republic. Despite Gaans' interjection, Dod suggested that Bromlarch enter into a private agreement with the Trade Federation. He asserted that the crisis was an internal matter that did not warrant galactic intervention, and when Chancellor Palpatine brought the motion to a vote, the bill failed. In the wake of their failure, Bonteri abandoned the motion, and Amidala met with Senator Gaans and Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan, one of her allies, to persuade Gaans to dismiss any treaty with the Trade Federation. Clovis rushed to her office and burst into the room but skidded to a halt when he saw that she had guests. He looked to Amidala and told her that, as he had said earlier, they could work together to solve the issue and asked that she allow him to help. She agreed and told him that they had three days until the Trade Federation sent a treaty to Bromlarch, and that they had to workshop their motion instead of just reintroducing it. As he paced along the window, Clovis suggested that they focus on the votes and court key demographics.
Organa protested Clovis's idea because it was not how his faction operated, but Clovis pointed out that his idealist way of working would not help them beat Lott Dod's allies. Padmé agreed with Clovis's approach and noted that they had to flip Mid Rim senators, not representatives of the Core Worlds. Clovis told her that they had to target Mid Rim bloc leaders and not individual members, and Amidala mentioned Malastare as one voting bloc that would bring major support to their motion. Senator Gaans dejectedly said that Malastare would not change their minds, but Padmé disagreed and told him and Clovis that if they altered the motion to benefit more systems than just Bromlarch, they could flip various senators and their allies. Gaans asked what Malastare could want from the motion, and Amidala told him that they sought political power, especially in the wake of recent backsliding. Organa pointed out that they couldn't give them power, but Clovis instead suggested that they could give them credits, which he remarked was almost the same thing. Padmé and Clovis walked over to a small sitting area in her office, where he took out a datapad to continue mapping out their plan. Organa couldn't stay to help and Gaans had to speak with the Bromlarch Council, leaving Clovis and Amidala alone to work on the bill.
Over the next three days, Clovis and Amidala worked nonstop on their motion. For the entire duration of the three days, they remained in her office, missing several Senate hearings and barely sleeping at all. Once it was finished, the Mid Rim Cooperation Motion involved more than a dozen key systems in a variety of resource trade deals that would help fund Bromlarch's infrastructure and solve a recent string of piracy. The motion also targeted the heads of every bloc they needed to lure a sufficient amount of votes away from the Trade Federation. As they made their final preparations, Clovis nervously joked that writing the legislation was the easy part, and the hard part would be selling it to the Senate.
Amidala decided to pull in a favor from Chancellor Palpatine to get them on the schedule, and Clovis left to go to his office and change. Palpatine placed her first on that day's scheduled speakers, and she introduced the motion to the Senate later, laying out just how different systems would benefit from the bill and how they would work together. Lott Dod attempted to get the floor to recognize him, but Amidala and Clovis's bill grabbed the attention of the influential Senator Aks Moe, who represented the Congress of Malastare. After considering how much his world would benefit, Moe seconded the motion, followed by Senator Yarua of Kashyyyk. When Palpatine put the motion to a vote, it took only a matter of seconds for the results to tally, and the Chancellor announced that it had passed.
Shortly after their victory, Clovis returned to Amidala's office and congratulated her. She told him that they had done it together and thanked him for all he had done. He remarked that he could sleep for a week after all they had been through, and as she explained that they still had finish organizing, he kissed her, not noticing that her handmaiden Versé was present. Padmé immediately pushed him away and told him no, and he expressed confusion at her. She again told him no, and he pulled away from her angrily. In her queen's voice, she informed him that they were only colleagues, and he simply told her that he would take his leave and stalked out of the room. In the aftermath of the incident, Clovis walked out on the Mid Rim Cooperation motion like Bonteri had, leaving Amidala alone with her allies to implement it. Clovis didn't take her rejection of him well, and though he and Amidala retained a strictly professional relationship and served on some of the same committees for a time, they fell out of touch.

Following his tenure as Scipio's senator, Clovis transitioned to representing the Banking Clan directly in the Senate. Securing this new position, and subsequently being recruited by Count Dooku to support the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Separatist Crisis, he engaged with Separatist factions and established a working relationship with the CIS, notably the Neimoidian faction of the Trade Federation. He concealed his connections to the Confederacy to maintain his standing in the Republic Senate. Shortly after, the Republic and Confederacy entered into armed conflict in the Clone Wars. During the conflict, Clovis secretly conspired with Federation Senator Lott Dod and Geonosian Archduke Poggle the Lesser to rebuild a droid foundry on Geonosis in exchange for the profits it would yield. However, the Jedi Council suspected that he was dealing with the Separatists and asked Senator Amidala to spy on Clovis and uncover his plans.
Clovis then met Amidala for lunch and asked her to come with him to Cato Neimoidia to speak to her diplomatic contacts among the Neimoidians. They both went to Cato Neimoidia aboard her star skiff accompanied by Captain Gregar Typho, R2-D2, and Anakin Skywalker disguised as her pilot. After they landed, Clovis and Amidala were greeted by Dod. Clovis showed Dod and Poggle a disk that digitally carried the coordinates to the new droid foundry. He told them that it was the largest ever built and that it would bring great profits to them; but Poggle and Dod demanded a greater share of the profits for the risks they took. He refused to comply and went to Senator Amidala. He gave her a relishing tour, sharing with her some of his private investments.

Amidala then embraced Clovis, expressing her happiness to be with him, before fainting. Realizing she had been poisoned, he confronted Dod, who claimed she was a Republic spy. Clovis refused to believe it until he discovered that Amidala had stolen his disk. He later confronted her, but she told him that she did it for the Republic. Skywalker came in to protect her. Clovis told him that Dod poisoned her. At first, Skywalker wanted to start negotiating with Dod, but Clovis said that Dod would kill him if he found out about the disk. Clovis ultimately decided to get Amidala to her ship. However, Dod refused to let them leave. Clovis began threatening and tempting to kill Lott Dod unless the immoral Neimoidian gave him the antidote.
After Dod had given him the antidote, Clovis and Skywalker got Amidala to the ship. Clovis asked for the disk, but Skywalker refused, leaving him behind. Watching Skywalker leave, he was suddenly called over by Dod, who stood with Poggle and a force of B1-series battle droids, who were armed with E-5 blaster rifles. Even though it was assumed he was then killed, Clovis actually survived and managed to extricate himself from the situation thanks to his loyalty to the banks and wealth. Although his reputation in the Senate was ruined, he found great success upon returning to working for the Banking Clan.

In the year of the Battle of Yavin - 19, Rush Clovis found himself collaborating with Amidala once more when she traveled to Scipio seeking a loan from the InterGalactic Banking Clan. However, Amidala declined to cooperate with Clovis and departed. Nevertheless, following an attempted assassination by the bounty hunter Embo, he successfully persuaded Amidala to assist him in revealing the Banking Clan's corruption to the Senate.
The subsequent day, under the guise of a transaction, the pair infiltrated the facility after one of Amidala's handmaidens disabled the power. Amidala located the records and downloaded them. Subsequently, they presented the information to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, who instructed them to conduct an investigation. Later that evening, after Clovis attempted to force a kiss upon Amidala, Skywalker unexpectedly entered, leading to a violent altercation in which Clovis sustained significant injuries. While a medical droid attended to him, it revealed a message from Count Dooku, stipulating that Clovis would assume leadership of the Banking Clan if the corruption were exposed.
Clovis and Nix Card then informed Palpatine that they had unveiled the corruption. The members of the Core Five were removed from their positions, and Clovis was chosen by the Confederacy to lead the Banking Clan. The Republic also voted in favor of this decision. In exchange for this favor, Dooku compelled Clovis to increase interest rates on Republic loans, sparking outrage within the Senate.
As Clovis took charge, Dooku arrived, and a Separatist invasion of Scipio commenced, falsely portrayed as a takeover endorsed by Clovis. Subsequently, Anakin Skywalker promptly led a Republic counterattack to reclaim Scipio. During the conflict, a disabled vulture droid crashed into Clovis' office, which also contained Skywalker, Amidala, and Clovis. As they slid down the rooftop, Skywalker managed to grab both Clovis and Amidala before they fell off the edge. However, Skywalker only possessed the strength to hold onto one person, and recognizing this, Clovis released his grip on Skywalker, ultimately falling to his death and sacrificing himself to save Amidala.
Having been adopted by the InterGalactic Banking Clan as a child, Rush Clovis was primarily raised by the Muuns. Nevertheless, this did not hinder his success as a politician. Prior to the Clone Wars, Clovis was a highly proficient young politician, entering the Galactic Senate concurrently with the former Queen of Naboo, Padmé Amidala. They developed a close bond, with Clovis harboring romantic feelings for her. He kissed her after their Mid Rim Cooperation Movement achieved success, an act that appalled Amidala. Clovis was saddened by the subsequent deterioration of their relationship.
Following the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Clovis continued his work in the Republic senate while also engaging in covert activities with the Separatists for personal gain. He was not averse to using poison and even threatened to kill his former associate Lott Dod at one point. Later in the war, Clovis attempted to regain the trust of the Republic and Amidala, assisting them in exposing the Banking Clan's concealment of account funds. However, he later succumbed to pressure from Count Dooku, aiding in his rise to power by persuading the Republic senate to appoint him as the leader of the banks. Unbeknownst to him, Clovis inadvertently assisted Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, secretly the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, in gaining control of the banks after Scipio became a battleground and the Republic forcefully seized control of the banks. He subsequently felt remorse for his actions and, during the battle, chose to sacrifice his life to save Amidala.
Despite Clovis' various acts of deception, his affection for Amidala was profound. He persistently attempted to court her, which greatly incensed her secret husband, Anakin Skywalker. When the two fought in Amidala's apartment after Skywalker caught Clovis attempting to kiss Amidala, Clovis displayed some aptitude for hand-to-hand combat, although he was no match for a Jedi Knight. Like many politicians, Clovis was a skilled liar.
Rush Clovis made his debut in "Senate Spy," an episode from season two of the animated television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, with the script penned by Melinda Hsu, Drew Z. Greenberg, and Brian Larsen and direction by Steward Lee. Its initial broadcast occurred on Cartoon Network on October 16, 2009. Robin Atkin Downes provided the character's voice. The book Skywalker: A Family at War suggested that it remained ambiguous whether Skywalker intentionally allowed Clovis to fall to his death or if the Senator released the Jedi's grip, proposing that the reality likely involved a combination of both possibilities.