The General

The individual known as "The General," a Human, held the rank of officer within the military forces of the Sith Empire during the era of the Great Galactic War. However, during the subsequent Cold War, this General made the momentous decision to defect to the Galactic Republic. This action was driven by the General's discovery that both the Republic and the Empire were secretly developing devastating doomsday weapons, threatening to restart the war. To prevent further bloodshed, the General sought to expose these secrets to the Republic. While en route to Republic space aboard the warship Brentaal Star, the General was under the protection of Satele Shan, the Grand Master of the Jedi Order.

The Empire did not take kindly to the General's betrayal. Rycus Kilran, the Grand Moff and second-in-command to the Minister of War, issued an order to Captain Revinal Orzik of the transport ship Black Talon to intercept the Brentaal Star and either capture or eliminate the General. Orzik, recognizing the futility of engaging a warship with a transport, refused to comply. Consequently, Kilran selected a specialized strike team, departing Vaiken Spacedock for Dromund Kaas aboard the Black Talon, to carry out the assigned task. The Black Talon set a course to intercept the Brentaal Star, and the strike team boarded the warship, relentlessly pursuing the General through its corridors. Eventually, they cornered the General and his Jedi protector, Yadira Ban, in close proximity to the ship's escape pods. After eliminating Yadira, the strike team confronted the General, who expressed little surprise that Kilran was responsible for the attack. Despite being severely wounded, the General did not attempt to resist or escape, instead explaining the motivations behind the defection. Ultimately, the strike team chose to execute the General, who resigned himself to his impending fate.

Behind the scenes

Players are presented with two choices that determine the fate of the General. They can either take the General into custody for interrogation, leading to eventual execution (counterintuitively, this represents the light side choice), or they can opt to kill the General immediately (representing the dark side choice).

