"The Bucket" appears as the second short story within the collection titled From a Certain Point of View. Christie Golden is the author of this story, which centers its narrative on the stormtrooper named Tarvyn Lareka. Lareka is the stormtrooper responsible for delivering Leia Organa into custody aboard the Tantive IV.
Darth Vader gives TK-4601, along with three fellow stormtroopers, Commander TK-9091, TK-4247, and TK-3338, the assignment to search the Alderaanian CR90 corvette known as the Tantive IV. They are tasked with locating the ship's Ambassador during the secret mission to Tatooine. As they proceed through the ship's corridors, the stormtroopers have a discussion regarding their instructions to stun the person they are looking for. Detecting movement, TK-9091 instructs TK-4601 to configure his blaster to stun. Before TK-4601 can respond, Princess Leia Organa, the Ambassador, suddenly appears and fires her blaster, striking TK-9091. TK-4601 then stuns Leia in response. After assuring himself of Leia's condition, he instructs his fellow stormtroopers to notify Lord Vader that they have captured a prisoner. TK-4601 is captivated by Leia's beauty, but he resolves to remain professional. Subsequently, TK-4601 receives news from TK-4247 that TK-9091 has died from the blaster shot. Consequently, TK-4601, following protocol, assumes command.
With the recent death of his comrade TK-9091 weighing heavily on him, TK-4601 confronts Leia as she begins to regain consciousness. Leia attempts to use her pistol, but TK-4601 swiftly kicks it away. He then seizes her wrists, using his blaster to restrain her. He informs Leia that Lord Vader wishes to speak with her, giving her the choice to walk with him willingly or be stunned again. Recognizing her disadvantage, Leia complies. Overcome with grief at the loss of his friend, TK-4601 indulges in a fantasy of Leia being tortured by Lord Vader. Driven by a desire for vengeance against the rebels, TK-4601 puts in a request for a transfer to an active combat unit for the duration of the ongoing battle.