Tenth Army

The Tenth Army, also designated as Crimson Dagger Command, functioned as a Sector Army within both the Republic and subsequently the Imperial military structures, tasked with safeguarding the Quelii Oversector.

Throughout the Clone Wars conflict, the 10th Army's main objective revolved around protecting the Outer Rim segment of the strategically important Hydian Way. Additional duties involved providing support to the 9th Sector Army and preventing any Separatist advancements within the territories of the neutral systems.

Following the Declaration of a New Order, which led to the formation of the Galactic Empire, the Sector Army found itself under the authority of Grand Moff Tanniel. In 19 BBY, Crimson Dagger Command participated in a military campaign directed against the remaining Separatist holdouts. Admiral Terrinald Screed and General Hurst Romodi, who commanded the naval and land forces respectively, achieved victory and rose to prominence as some of the Empire's initial celebrated figures.


  • The Essential Guide to Warfare (First mentioned)

Notes and references
