Ciutric Offensive

The Ciutric Offensive represented a military endeavor undertaken by the Galactic Empire in the year 19 BBY. Its primary objective was to eradicate the remaining Separatist forces from both the Ciutric sector and its adjacent territories.


Following the conclusion of the Clone Wars, Separatist military units, having retreated from defeats suffered at Muunilinst and Mygeeto, traversed the Void of Chopani and subsequently integrated with piratical groups and Thalassian enslavers within the Ciutric sector. Operating from their base on Axxila, the fleet commanded by Admiral Terrinald Screed constituted a segment of Crimson Dagger Command, tasked with the elimination of this consolidated threat.

The campaign

Early in the campaign, Screed's forces achieved victory against the Separatists during the Battle of Vinsoth, causing the Muun leadership to seek refuge on Binquaros. There, the ground troops led by General Hurst Romodi initiated a well-known siege, while Screed proceeded to pursue the combined fleet of Separatist and Thalassian vessels toward Bimmiel.

Simultaneously, a separate Imperial force advanced through the Salin Corridor, engaging pirate and Mandalorian elements in a series of battles at Fenion, Phindar, and Sheris.

Screed successfully destroyed the Separatist fleet in the Battle of Bimmiel, but while he was occupied with that engagement, the pirate and Mandalorian forces, displaced from the Salin Corridor, overwhelmed his rear guard at Botajef. By joining with mercenaries from Serenno, they lifted Romodi's siege at Binquaros and retreated down the Celanon Spur alongside their allies, intending to escape to the Unknown Regions. Acting upon information provided by a pirate captain, Screed and Romodi reunited their forces and intercepted the Separatists in the Vardoss system, where they ultimately defeated them during the Assault on Vardoss IV.


Following the successful conclusion of the campaign, Screed and Romodi were celebrated as heroes within the Core Worlds due to their victory. Having established their reputations during the offensive, they were subsequently granted command of both naval and ground forces during the Western Reaches Operation two years later.



  • The Essential Guide to Warfare (First mentioned)

Notes and references
