Temple of the Beatific Razor

title: Temple of the Beatific Razor

An illegal religious organization, the Temple of the Beatific Razor, was composed of members of the Swokes Swokes species. The person in charge of the group was called the First Glorious Assassin of the Temple of the Beatific Razor, while its members were known as Razor Penitents. Located in Thousand Thousand, the largest city on Makem Te, was the organization's temple.


The Temple advocated for the use of violence to resist changes occurring on Makem Te. Throughout its existence, the group targeted local business owners, individuals from off-world, and even the Makem Te government itself. The group opposed the presence of non-Swokes Swokes within the vast cemetery known as the Tract. Some Razor Penitents, including a previous leader named Fabswa the Mutilated, demonstrated their dedication by removing significant portions of their own flesh (a relatively safe practice due to the Swokes Swokes' regenerative abilities). Furthermore, they acquired implants to enhance their worship, such as comlinks that reminded them to listen to sermons from the sect's leaders.


The sect emerged as a reaction to the changes brought about by the arrival of mining corporations from the Galactic Republic on Makem Te. These mining operations triggered both environmental and cultural transformations on the planet, leading the sect to adopt a doctrine of violence and strict adherence to traditional customs. At that time, the Temple was under the guidance of eleven High Mystics. The group's popularity increased, leading to several anti-government demonstrations. This posed a threat to the dominance of the Congress of Caliphs, the governing body on Makem Te. To suppress the group, the galactic government sought assistance from the Republic Judicial Department. While Republic forces managed to quell the disturbances, this only resulted in more individuals joining the ranks of the Razor Penitents. As the Clone Wars began, the Beatific Razor successfully repelled the Republic forces and expelled them from the planet. In the following years, the Congress of Caliphs turned to both the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Galactic Empire for assistance in their struggle against the religious group.


  • "Makem Te: Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds Excerpt 2" on Wizards.com (content is now outdated; backup link provided)
  • Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds

