Talus, a young Human male, jointly ruled Typha-Dor with Binalu in the time period just before the Clone Wars.
During the Separatist Crisis in 25 BBY, Talus, backing the Galactic Senate of the Republic, resisted the impending invasion of his homeworld by Vanqor's fleet; Vanqor was a nearby planet located within the Uziel system.
As the head of the Typha-Dor High Council, Talus requested that the Senate urgently dispatch Jedi diplomats to assist his world and was deeply engaged in the highly confidential and strategic planning sessions leading up to Vanqor's planned invasion. He sanctioned a proactive defense, informed by secret intelligence, designed to ensnare the Vanqor fleet within a satellite-moon passage used by the approaching enemy.
Talus collaborated with not only High General Bycha and his subordinate generals, but also with Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Clee Rhara, Siri Tachi, and the other Jedi representatives dispatched by the Senate, to broker a truce and lasting peace between Typha-Dor and Van-Ith, the leader of Vanqor.