Talek Var

Talek Var served as a cadet leader for scout trainees in the New Republic's Bureau of Scouting and Exploration Services. As part of a six-month training exercise, Var and his fellow cadets, accompanied by seasoned instructors, stumbled upon an actual hidden Imperial installation. These training missions were meticulously designed simulations intended to assess the potential scouts, despite the cadets' belief in their authenticity. One such evaluation, known as the "Hostile World" test, aimed to gauge the cadets' abilities in stealth and subterfuge by tasking them with infiltrating and evaluating the enemy's combat capabilities, technological advancements, and potential threat to the New Republic. However, when live fire from the undeniably genuine Imperial base injured three of the trainees, Var abandoned his post, leaving the veteran scouts to try to recover the situation.

Var came back, piloting his compact scout vessel directly into the Imperial stronghold in a suicide attack. This resulted in the elimination of eighty percent of the Imperial troops, and the dispersal of the remainder. A New Republic starship received the signal from their survival beacon and successfully extracted the remaining cadets and veteran instructors. Var was posthumously inducted into the Nova Core Scout "Hall of Fame," becoming the youngest scout ever to receive this distinction, and the first from the New Republic to be honored after death.


  • Galaxy Guide 8: Scouts (First mentioned)

Notes and references
