The Nova Core represented a special division inside the Bureau of Scouting and Exploration Services, established to recognize exceptional scouts. A prerequisite for joining the Nova Core was a minimum of two years of service in the Scout Service, coupled with exploration of at least five previously uncharted planets. The requirements for membership were rigorous; hopefuls needed a nomination from a current Nova member, and a maximum of only four individuals from each sector could be welcomed into its ranks. The Nova Core also operated a Scout "Hall of Fame," dedicated to remembering scouts who had passed away. Talek Var holds the distinction of being the youngest person ever admitted, and the first to be honored after their death. Burt Jaxton was a Nova scout who had retired, and Ecclesis von der Agar was a member known for their accomplishments, but also their confusion.
- Galaxy Guide 8: Scouts
- " The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Anx " — Star Wars Gamer 7 (identified as a Nova scout)
- " Endor and the Moddell Sector " — Star Wars Gamer 9 (identified as a Nova Scout)