Syla Tors

Syla Tors began her career as a Corellian pirate before becoming a pilot within the ranks of the Katarn Commandos. This commando unit was under the leadership of Lieutenant Judder Page. In 8 ABY, Tors participated in the mission to Kal'Shebbol, where her team was tasked with disabling the planetary shields, paving the way for the New Republic's forces to liberate the world.


Originally, Syla Tors was a female pirate hailing from Corellia. Later, she enlisted in the New Republic Special Forces and earned a spot on the prestigious Katarn Commandos, serving under Lieutenant Judder Page. Tors's role within the team was that of a pilot and communications expert.

During the New Republic's campaign to liberate the planet of Kal'Shebbol, a segment of the Katarn Commandos received orders to infiltrate the Imperial Government Complex and deactivate the deflector shieldcovering the planet's single continent. Tors piloted a Ghtroc Class 720 freighter carrying Lieutenant Page, Sergeant Keleman Ciro, Kaiya Adrimetrum, Gottu, and Vandro. Disguised as an ordinary freighter, Tors aimed to blend in with the civilian ships fleeing the New Republic task force assault. While other freighters were directed to designated landing zones, Tors steered the ship toward a predetermined location to meet with the team's Pathfinder, Lilla Dade, who had been on the planet for three days.

Tors was close to landing the freighter when an Atgar 1.4 FD P-Tower at the Imperial Government Complex targeted them. The laser fire destroyed the ship's starboard repulsorlift, causing the freighter to crash. The ship careened across grassland and decorative bushes before smashing through the perimeter death fence. Despite the crash, Tors managed to position the ship between two hills, hiding it from the Complex's weapon emplacements. After setting an explosive booby trap on the freighter, Tors joined her commando team to await contact from Pathfinder Lilla Dade.

Dade dispatched a local contact, the Defel Kl'aal, to meet with the team, who then guided them to the Pathfinder. Dade had discovered an entry point into the Complex, enabling the commandos to infiltrate Sarne's command center. Page divided his team, leading Tors, Ciro, and Vandro to intercept the Moff's escape, while Adrimetrum, Dade, Gottu, and Kl'aal went to Sarne's detention level. Before reaching Sarne's escape craft, a hidden Carrack-class light cruiser, the four commandos were incapacitated by Sarne using a piece of exotic technology. The mind-numbing field disabled the team, allowing the Moff to reach his ship. Although Ciro destroyed the module, the cruiser launched before the commandos could recover. Ciro used a beamdrill to freeze the Complex's shields in the off position when the ship launched, completing the commando's primary objective. With the shields down, Page instructed Tors to contact the admiral commanding the New Republic fleet and inform him of the situation.

Tors piloted an assault shuttle to extract Gottu and Idow from the planet of Jendorn. The pair had infiltrated a prison compound in the city of Bruzion where they rescued six New Republic pilots from Imperial captivity.

Personality and traits

Tors was a very skilled commando capable of operating in any environment. Her exceptional morale, courage, skill, and dedication to the New Republic's cause earned her a place in the Katarn Commandos. As with all members of the team, Tors was a versatile operative with a wide range of skills, enabling her to carry out missions independently if necessary. She also specialized in piloting starships when the Katarn Commandos had access to their own transport. Additionally, Tors was a communications expert, proficient in operating any comm unit and overcoming any jamming signal.

