Imperial Government Complex

The designation Imperial Government Complex was given to the headquarters of Moff Kentor Sarne on the world of Kal'Shebbol. While he acted as governor of the Kathol sector, it functioned as both his central command and his personal residence.



An energy shield protected the complex, although its generators were outdated when compared to other systems. In addition, 1.4 FD P-Towers provided defensive capabilities. It is reasonable to assume that elements of Sarne's Stormtroopers were also stationed at the base.


A command center was located within the complex, which enabled the coordination of planetary defenses. The controls for the defense shield were also situated within the facility. The Ubiqtorate also had ties to the complex; rumors suggested they once managed their Internal Operations from the building.

Sarne's personal living quarters were located in the base, and a concealed tunnel led to a hangar bay where he housed the Carrack-class light cruiser named Ambition. The hangar also featured shield controls, allowing the shields to be raised or lowered for the Ambition's movements.

Within the complex, Sarne also maintained a sizable detention center. This center housed political prisoners, Imperial officers who had fallen out of favor during his "loyalty purges," and alien gladiators who were forced to engage in combat for his entertainment.

The Battle of Kal'Shebbol

During the events of the Battle of Kal'Shebbol, Page's Commandos of the New Republic successfully infiltrated the complex. Their mission was to disable the energy shield. They gained entry through an armored corridor that had been opened to the environment as the result of an accident involving a piece of DarkStryder technology. The commandos were successful in their mission to disable the shields, although Sarne was able to escape. However, as he fled, he commanded the majority of officers to hold their positions and continue fighting the invasion. It is assumed that these officers and soldiers were either captured or killed when the New Republic seized the complex.

The New Republic

After the New Republic gained control of Kal'Shebbol, Lieutenant Judder Page quickly established his command center within the complex. He did this, in part, to safeguard any remaining information belonging to the Ubiqtorate. Unfortunately, Sarne had activated Omega order five, which erased all data from the base's computer systems. When she assumed control of the planet, the New Republic's Governor Monjai likely used the facility as her headquarters.

