Supernova is a book for the roleplaying game that was composed by five writers, and it was released by West End Games in June of 1993.
The people living in the Demophon system are confronted with a danger that is much more significant than the Empire: their star is on the verge of becoming a supernova, which will obliterate all life on the planets orbiting it.
A group of resolute Rebels needs to take action in order to rescue those whom the Empire considers unworthy of being saved, while also uncovering the sinister secrets of Demophon. Come across the strange Ssithers and the terrifying Iagoin; make every effort to survive the virus that has been given the code name "Mynock"; and fight your way into the core of Imperial Security in order to free Rebel captives.
This thrilling new collection of adventures presents five captivating mini-adventures in addition to a summary of the Demophon system.
- ISBN 9780874311952 ; June, 1993; West End Games; Paperback [1]