Stratt stew

Stratt stew was a specific kind of stew crafted using stratt as its primary ingredient. In approximately 232 BBY, the grandmother of Nittel Karkson, a Gotal thief, was in the process of making stratt stew on Solstice Tide. This took place within the small dwelling that Karkson and her shared, situated in the lower sections of the planet Coruscant. As Karkson arrived back at their hovel, the broth was simmering on a stove. Following the thief's arrival, Jedi Master Stellan Gios showed up, prompting Karkson to hurl a damaged ladle from the simmering broth towards Gios. Gios then employed the Force to halt the ladle's movement in the air. After Gios clarified that his intent wasn't to apprehend Karkson and offered his cloak to Karkson's grandmother, the youthful Gotal extended an invitation to Gios to partake in the stew. However, Karkson acknowledged that it wasn't comparable to a true Solstice Tide celebration. Gios accepted the offer and, post-meal, suggested the pair accompany him back to the Jedi Temple for a restful night's sleep.

Production Notes

The short story "A Coruscant Solstice," penned by Cavan Scott and featured in the Life Day Treasury anthology from 2021, included Stratt stew.

