Gulek Lohn at the cantina. During the era of the Galactic Civil War, the Stormview Lounge stood as the sole dining option on Darknon Station. It was managed by a cantankerous Rodian named Gulek Lohn. This cantina, positioned at the concourse's edge, doubled as Lohn's surveillance point for eavesdropping on patrons. Lohn would then sell any information he gleaned regarding potential bounties on individuals to various bounty hunters.
Long before the rise of the Galactic Empire, the Stormview Lounge thrived, boasting transparisteel windows that offered breathtaking views of the Itani Nebula, complete with its swirling gases and dazzling ion and magnetic storms. However, as time passed, both the Lounge and the space station it resided in fell into obscurity. The viewports, save for two still functional ones, were obscured by large metal sheets bolted around their perimeters. With only a handful of patrons remaining, there was little need for more viewing areas. The Lounge's floor was sparsely furnished with tables, and a bar ran along one of the bulkheads.
The quality of service was subpar compared to other cantinas, and Gulek Lohn charged exorbitant credits for his unappetizing food and diluted beverages. Given that Stormview Lounge was the only cantina on the station, spacers had no alternative for dining. Aware of this monopoly, the Rodian Gulek Lohn exploited the situation to his advantage.