The Storm IV Twin-Pod cloud car represented a specific type of cloud car, produced by the Bespin Motors corporation. It was primarily operated by the Bespin Wing Guard for security patrols around the Cloud City resort and colony located on the gas giant Bespin.

The Storm IV Twin-Pod, a cloud car model, was an atmospheric repulsorcraft crafted by Bespin Motors and purpose-built for policing and patrol duties. Its design featured dual "pods" linked by a repulsorlift engine, drawing power from an ion engine. The pilot maneuvered the vehicle from the left pod, while the gunner in the right pod managed a pair of light blaster cannons.
The Storm IV Twin-Pods served as peacekeepers in the skies above Cloud City. Their presence became commonplace as they policed the airspace surrounding Bespin. Easily identifiable by their vibrant orange or brick-hued exteriors, these cloud cars were deployed to intercept incoming starships headed towards the floating city. The pilot and gunner collaborated to interrogate approaching captains and implement defensive actions when necessary. When the Millennium Falcon sought sanctuary in the city after the Battle of Hoth, two cloud cars on patrol encountered the Corellian freighter. One of these fired warning shots before Han Solo received landing authorization from his acquaintance, Lando Calrissian. The cloud cars then escorted the Falcon along its approach to Cloud City, facilitating its landing at Platform 327.