Special tactical unit

During the Cold War era, which saw conflict between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire, the Coruscant Security Force (CSF) deployed specialized police special forces teams known as special tactical units. These units aimed to bridge the gap between standard police forces and the military by equipping CSF police officers and Republic soldiers with military-grade tactics and weaponry. One such unit, led by CSF Sergeant Nidaljo, was tasked with combating the Black Sun gang. Following the sacking of the planet Coruscant and its brief occupation by the Empire, the CSF was overwhelmed by chaos and its ranks severely depleted. Capitalizing on this, the Black Sun gang amassed enough power to seize control of several sectors within Galactic City, prompting Nidaljo's unit to intervene. Around 3643 BBY, Nidaljo's unit participated in a raid targeting the Black Sun Headquarters, resulting in four police officers wounded and seven killed. However, with the assistance of a Jedi Knight, they successfully infiltrated the headquarters and eliminated Black Sun's leader, Salarr.


To bridge the divide between the overwhelmed street police officers and the unavailable Republic Military, the Coruscant Security Force (CSF) utilized police special forces teams known as special tactical units. These units, consisting of tactically trained police and Republic soldiers, were equipped with heavier weapons and placed under the command of a CSF sergeant.


The capital of the Galactic Republic, Coruscant, was sacked by the Sith Empire at the conclusion of the Great Galactic War in 3653 BBY, leaving the planet in disarray. The CSF suffered significant losses during the attack and occupation, resulting in a substantial reduction in personnel. Following the Imperial withdrawal and the commencement of the Cold War between the Republic and the Empire, widespread riots erupted across Coruscant. The outnumbered CSF police officers retreated to safeguard critical government districts and infrastructure. Ultimately, the Republic Military was deployed to restore order.

Sergeant Nidaljo and his special tactical unit

However, gangs, including the newly established Black Sun syndicate, seized control of large sectors of Galactic City, preventing the overwhelmed and embittered police from making substantial progress. The Galactic Senate decreased funding for the CSF, and Republic Military forces were redeployed to more critical areas. Despite calls for the CSF's militarization, most police officers opposed the idea, as their primary objective was to maintain peace, not engage in warfare. To bolster the CSF's firepower against Black Sun, a special tactical unit was assigned to Black Sun's claimed territory. This unit, comprised of CSF officers and Republic soldiers, was placed under the command of CSF Sergeant Nidaljo with the aim of providing enhanced firepower and support to police officers battling Black Sun thugs.

Around 3643 BBY, the special tactical unit received orders from Republic Strategic Information Service Agent Galen to attack the Black Sun Headquarters in the Lower Gangland to rescue Doctor Eli Tarnis, the kidnapped designer of the Planet Prison superweapon. However, the initial assault proved disastrous for the unit, resulting in eleven casualties, with six dead and five wounded. The CSF established a barricade and prepared to await reinforcements. Assistance arrived in the form of a Jedi Knight who cleared the Black Sun members attacking the barricade and then spoke with Nidaljo. During the conversation between the Knight and the Sergeant, another member of the unit, Jorin, perished, raising the death toll to seven. Jorin's death was the final straw for Nidaljo, who believed their situation was hopeless.

However, the Knight continued to speak with Nidaljo, inspiring and urging him not to surrender. With his resolve renewed, Nidaljo agreed to proceed with the attack. The Knight also encouraged the rest of the tactical unit, with Nidaljo's Corporal and another soldier being the first to offer their support for a renewed attack. While Nidaljo prepared his men, he instructed the Knight to disable the base's main security network from the front entrance. The CSF would then attack the back entrance once the network was down, and the two teams would rendezvous inside. The Knight fought through the Black Sun members into the headquarters and succeeded in disabling the base's security system, signaling Nidaljo's men to launch their assault.

The tactical unit successfully breached the area and, together with the Knight, located Black Sun's leader, Salarr. Despite his attempts to resist, Salarr was defeated and killed. The team discovered that Doctor Tarnis was actually a Sith Lord and had been collaborating with Black Sun. Amazed by their accomplishment, Nidaljo and his men expressed their gratitude to the Knight for the assistance. Despite their victory, Nidaljo recognized that his men could not successfully hold the base, as they were too deep within Black Sun's territory. However, the police officers rigged the area to explode before departing the headquarters.

Notable members



During the Cold War, Nidaljo, a Human male, served as a sergeant in the CSF. Following the Sacking of Coruscant and the rise of Black Sun, the special tactical unit, consisting of CSF police officers and Republic soldiers, was formed with Nidaljo as its commanding officer. The unit's objective was to provide the CSF with a greater advantage in combating Black Sun. However, ten years after the Sacking of Coruscant, the CSF had made limited progress, frustrating both Nidaljo and his men. Nidaljo and his men were deployed into Black Sun's territory to assist in rescuing Republic scientist Doctor Tarnis. During the fighting, Nidaljo lost four of his men, and seven others were killed. With his remaining forces surrounded, Nidaljo saw little hope of escape and felt embittered by the apparent futility of the fight with Black Sun. When the Jedi arrived to help, Nidaljo and his men rallied to break through Black Sun's forces. The skirmish resulted in the death of Black Sun's leader, Salarr. With this blow to Black Sun, Nidaljo experienced a renewed sense of purpose, and, despite being unable to retain possession of the territory, he and his men set about the task of setting up booby traps for Black Sun.

Behind the scenes

The special tactical unit made an appearance in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG) developed by BioWare and released on December 20, 2011, as part of "The Rescue" Jedi Knight class quest. Players have the option to either rally Nidaljo and his men or use mind-trickery to force them to join, with the latter choice resulting in the acquisition of dark side points.

