Raid on the Black Sun headquarters

During the Cold War era, which saw conflict between the Galactic Republic and the revived Sith Empire, a Jedi Knight and the special tactical unit of the Coruscant Security Force stormed the Black Sun's central base of operations on Coruscant, the Republic's governing planet. Their objective was the recovery of Doctor Eli Tarnis, a scientist who had been abducted by the Black Sun. Tarnis was the mind behind the Planet Prison superweapon. The former student of Jedi Master Orgus Din, now a full-fledged Jedi Knight on an assignment on Coruscant, was tasked with this rescue. Accompanied by Sergeant Nidaljo and the special tactical unit, along with the astromech droid T7-O1, the team successfully breached the crime syndicate's stronghold. However, instead of finding a captive scientist, the Jedi uncovered that Tarnis was secretly a Sith Lord. Working together, the CSF and the Jedi vanquished Salarr, the head of Black Sun, significantly disrupting the syndicate's activities. The Knight then returned to the Senate Building, resolved to track down the treacherous Tarnis.


In the year 3643 BBY, during the Cold War period of tension between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, Tarnis, a Sith Lord masquerading as a scientist working on the Planet Prison superweapon, believed his undercover operation was jeopardized by the arrival of four Jedi to Coruscant, the Republic's capital. These Jedi were Jedi Masters Bela Kiwiiks and Orgus Din, Kira Carsen, Kiwiiks' Padawan, and Din's former apprentice, recently elevated to the rank of Knight. Tarnis orchestrated the theft of the Planet Prison's design schematics by the Migrant Merchants' Guild criminal organization. He then feigned his own kidnapping from the Senate Building, enlisting the aid of the Black Sun syndicate in exchange for advanced Imperial weaponry and technology. Following a standoff at the Coruscant Spaceport, Carsen and the Knight apprehended Zeer, the leader of the kidnappers, and discovered that the battle had been a diversion to facilitate Tarnis's abduction to Black Sun territory. The two Jedi informed Agent Galen of the Republic Strategic Information Service, the Republic's intelligence agency, about these events before going back to the Senate Building. Galen immediately contacted his connections within the Coruscant Security Force (CSF).

The special tactical unit

Upon Galen's request, the CSF's special tactical unit was redirected from their ongoing operations against Black Sun to gather intelligence on the syndicate's headquarters and establish a secure perimeter around the structure. However, Tarnis had never actually been taken to Black Sun territory. Instead, he had traveled to the territory controlled by his allies in the paramilitary group known as the Justicars' Brigade. Back at the Senate Building, the two Jedi updated their Masters and General Var Suthra of the Republic Military on the current situation. Although the Knight had previously recovered the design schematics, Galen's analysts determined that the files contained information about the entire Republic superweapon initiative and had been copied by Black Sun, thus endangering the Republic's weapons programs. Consequently, Galen and the Jedi Masters decided to leave Coruscant to secure the three off-world weapons facilities, and Galen placed all of his available resources at the Jedi Knight's disposal. Galen also informed the Knight about the location of the special tactical unit and instructed the Jedi to contact their leader, Sergeant Nidaljo, who could assist in retrieving both the copied data files and Doctor Tarnis.

The raid

While Carsen stayed at the Senate Building, the Knight, accompanied by the astromech droid T7-O1, known as "Teeseven," took an air taxi to Black Sun territory. As the duo fought their way to Nidaljo's location in the Lower Gangland district, the special tactical unit was ambushed by heavily armed Black Sun members. The police officers were overwhelmed and forced into a nearby building, resulting in the deaths of six members of the unit. Nidaljo's surviving men hastily erected a barricade to defend against the criminals. The Knight's timely arrival allowed the Jedi to defeat the Black Sun attackers, providing the police with a temporary reprieve. Speaking with the Sergeant, the Knight learned about the ambush, and the death of a seventh officer, named Jorin, during their conversation further dampened Nidaljo's morale.

Nidaljo's men eliminate a Black Sun criminal before he shoots the Knight.

However, the Jedi inspired the demoralized CSF officers to continue their mission, and Nidaljo's men quickly rallied to the Knight's call and prepared for an assault. While Nidaljo's men prepared for the attack, the Jedi and Teeseven disabled the base's main security network and eliminated defenders near the front entrance. Both groups then launched assaults on the headquarters from opposite directions. When the Knight and Teeseven finally reached the command center, they discovered Salarr, the leader of Black Sun, speaking with a hooded Tarnis via holocomm. Listening to Tarnis, the Jedi realized that the scientist was actually a Sith Lord, and that he had traded weapons and armor to Black Sun in exchange for staging his kidnapping. Salarr was enraged by Tarnis's betrayal, believing that the Sith had set him up. However, Tarnis dismissed the criminal's anger and warned the Jedi that Coruscant was already doomed. When Tarnis ordered Salarr to kill the Knight and ended the transmission, one of Salarr's men attempted to shoot the Jedi in the back. However, Sergeant Nidaljo and two of his men arrived at that moment and eliminated the criminal before he could fire. The Knight greeted Nidaljo and demanded Salarr's surrender, but the gang leader attacked regardless. With the advantage of numbers, Nidaljo and the Jedi were able to defeat Salarr and the other criminals without further loss of life.


Nidaljo and his men celebrated briefly before the Knight was contacted by Carsen via Salarr's holoterminal. She had intercepted Salarr's holocall to Tarnis and was shocked to learn that the doctor was a Sith. Carsen also had worse news—the Planet Prison in the lab was a fake, and Tarnis had stolen the real one. The Jedi instructed Carsen to trace the holocall, and the Knight and Teeseven returned to the Senate Building. Despite their victory, Nidaljo knew that his men could not successfully hold the base, and the unit retreated from the area.

Behind the scenes

The raid on the Black Sun headquarters was created for Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game released by BioWare on December 20, 2011. It appears in the Jedi Knight class story mission "Kidnapped!," in which the player ventures into Black Sun territory to rescue the kidnapped Doctor Tarnis. The quest features several points at which alignment choices can affect the outcome, but this article assumes that the Knight chooses the light side options as a light side character. The first turning point is when Nidaljo is about to give up hope, and the player can choose how to encourage him. For dark side points, the player can Force Persuade the Sergeant to help, or they can choose to insult the officer and leave without him for no alignment points and no aid in the battle with Salarr. The light side option is to inspire Nidaljo to help through words, which will also results in Nidaljo coming to aid the player against Salarr. If Nidaljo is present at the fight, the player can gain additional dark side points by ordering the CSF officers to attack Salarr without asking for his surrender.

