Solla Deremot

Rewritten MDX Content

A female Human named Solla Deremot hailed from the planet Kal'Shebbol, situated within the Kathol sector of the Outer Rim Territories. She pursued her passion for biology at a Colonies educational facility, but after her studies, she returned to her homeworld and was pressed into service by Moff Kentor Sarne, an Imperial warlord who governed the area. In 8 ABY, Deremot became a research assistant for science team MS-133 and participated in an expedition to excavate ruins on Aaris III. While there, the team unearthed the Plaque of Victory, a sentient artifact that drained the life-force of those nearby, leading to paranoia and homicidal behavior.

As paranoia began to grip the expedition team due to the Plaque's influence, they faced an assault from the primitive descendants of the Aaris, a species thought to be extinct. This resulted in deaths and the destruction of their shuttle. Deremot and the expedition leader, Doctor Lancer Brunou, were the only ones to survive, and they were rescued by the crew of the New Republic CR90 corvette FarStar. During the months the team spent on Aaris III, Sarne's regime on Kal'Shebbol was toppled, and the New Republic sought the fleeing Moff. However, Brunou brought the Plaque of Victory onto the FarStar, threatening the crew with a repeat of the events on Aaris III. Realizing the danger, the crew ejected the artifact from an airlock, breaking its hold.


Early life and working for Moff Sarne

Solla Deremot, a Human female, was born on Kal'Shebbol in the Kathol sector of the Outer Rim Territories. For her education, she was sent off-world to the Colonies region of the galaxy, where she focused on biology. After returning to her homeworld, her abilities caught the attention of Imperial Moff Kentor Sarne, the warlord who governed the planet. He enlisted her into his service, making her part of his forces. A few months before the Battle of Kal'Shebbol in 8 ABY, Sarne authorized an expedition to Aaris III to study the ruins of a long-dead civilization. He put Doctor Lancer Brunou—a renowned archaeologist from the University of Byblos—in charge and suggested Deremot join as a research assistant. Despite feeling out of place among the doctor's colleagues, Deremot agreed and joined science team MS-133.

Expedition to Aaris III

The Plaque of Victory

Upon arrival on Aaris III, Deremot and the team established a base camp among the ruins and began excavating under Brunou's guidance. On the expedition's forty-ninth day, Grigor Tansad, one of the scientists, found a way into a metal structure. Because it was far from the main camp, a secondary camp was set up. Deremot assisted Tansad and another scientist, Jelok, in exploring the ruins. Tansad then discovered a chamber covered in tiles with raised pictograph that emitted sounds when pressed. While excavating the chamber, Deremot and Jelok found a strange metal ingot hidden in a small alcove in the floor. Examination revealed it was made of an unknown metal and emitted faint energy. Unbeknownst to Deremot and the team, the long-extinct Aaris knew it as the Plaque of Victory, a sentient artifact that fed on the life-force of living beings. The Plaque sought to destroy those around it by manipulating their feelings, causing paranoia, irrationality, and homicidal tendencies. The Plaque's influence caused the civil war that led to the Aaris' downfall.

Rising tensions

The Plaque began to exert its influence a day after its discovery. Expedition members reported feeling watched, despite no signs of intelligent life on the planet. A small squad of soldiers from the team's security detachment, led by their Lieutenant, ventured into the jungle to investigate. An hour later, weapons fire was heard, and the remaining troopers armed the science team, including Deremot. Despite being at the secondary camp, Deremot returned to the primary camp, complaining of fatigue. The soldiers did not return, and that night, the primitive Aaris descendants attacked the base camp using blaster weapons. During the firefight, Doctor Theda was injured. An investigation revealed the bodies of the missing troopers in the area of the attack. Brunou ordered an evacuation, as Tansad was missing and two technicians had been shot by sniper fire.

As night fell, Deremot was at the primary base camp with Brunou, Theda, two soldiers, and a technician. The rest of the team was packing up the secondary camp near the team's shuttle. An explosion destroyed the shuttle, prompting Deremot and the others to create a defensive position, digging into the ruins and erecting barricades. An E-Web heavy repeating blaster was mounted, and Brunou sent a distress call to Sarne's forces. The group held their position for a day until they were attacked again. The soldiers and technician engaged the attackers while Deremot manned the E-Web. While Brunou worried about the distress call, Deremot suggested Sarne had betrayed them.


Deremot manning the E-Web on the makeshift barricades

Brunou's distress call was received, but not by Sarne. During the team's stay, New Republic forces liberated Kal'Shebbol, forcing Sarne to flee with his military. The New Republic tasked the CR90 corvette FarStar with tracking him, and the ship intercepted the distress call. Captain Kaiya Adrimetrum diverted to Aaris III, advised by Lieutenant Jessa Dajus—a former Imperial Intelligence officer who served under Sarne—that the team might have information on Sarne's connection with "DarkStryder." Adrimetrum sent a team to the surface.

On the planet, Deremot guarded with the E-Web while Brunou tended to Theda. As the New Republic delegation approached, Deremot was wary, believing they were allied with the attackers. Eventually, they convinced Deremot they were there to help, and she implored them to evacuate her before nightfall. She told them about the mission and the chamber where the Plaque of Victory was found, but not the artifact itself.

Brunou and Deremot fight over possession of the Plaque of Victory.

Once aboard the FarStar, Deremot calmed down and answered questions about the team's activities. She refused to return when Adrimetrum authorized a mission to scavenge for parts and replenish supplies. Deremot felt watched and drawn to the Plaque of Victory, which Brunou carried. She confronted Brunou, and their argument over the Plaque turned physical, witnessed by the crew. However, others also felt antagonistic and paranoid. The crew realized something was affecting their behavior. They deduced the artifact was responsible, as the feelings started after it came aboard. To free themselves, they needed distance from it. They took the artifact from Brunou and jettisoned it from an airlock. Once free of its influence, the personnel aboard the FarStar started to return to their normal behavior.

Personality and traits

Solla Deremot, a timid young woman, lacked true loyalty to Sarne or the Empire but worked for them because it suited her. Deremot's main goal was to expand her knowledge, and she was more interested in her biological research. Therefore, she felt her skills were wasted on the Aaris III mission. She did not believe the Imperial propaganda about the Rebel Alliance and New Republic and would have supported either if they allowed her to continue her studies.

Under the Plaque of Victory's influence, Deremot experienced paranoia and feelings of being watched. This made her distrustful of the New Republic rescue party, and it took convincing to believe they were there to help. Deremot was also drawn to the artifact and wanted to possess it.

Skills and abilities

Though primarily a biologist, Deremot had training in first aid and medicine and could operate communications, sensor, and security equipment. She could fly a space transport and drive repulsorlift vehicles. Deremot understood alien species and planetary systems and could program droids. She could also use a blaster.


During the Aaris III expedition, Deremot wore a blast helmet and vest and carried a comlink, datapad, medpac, and a satchel with scientific samples.

Behind the scenes

Solla Deremot was introduced in Artifact of Aaris, a roleplaying game adventure in The DarkStryder Campaign, published by West End Games in 1995. Her fate is determined by the gamemaster; she may die during the adventure, but if she lives, she is either invited or volunteers to join the crew of the FarStar, where her skills are used. Her loyalty to the Empire is easily replaced by loyalty to the crew.

Artifact of Aaris implies that the members of MS-133 turned upon each other under the Plaque of Victory's influence, resulting in deaths and the destruction of the shuttle. However, The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, published in 2008 confirmed that the team came under attack from the remnants of the Aaris civilization.

