The short story "Small Favors" was penned by Paul Danner. It saw publication within the pages of Star Wars Adventure Journal 12, a product of West End Games, during the month of February of the year 1997. The narrative's central figure is Rivoche Tarkin, who is the niece of the infamous Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin.
At Kuat, Darth Vader is present to witness the arrival of the massive Executor, readying himself to assume command. Sollaine, an officer of the ISB, arrives after being summoned. Vader then informs Sollaine that he has been assigned to uncover a deeply embedded Rebel operative.
General Airen Cracken is immersed in reviewing reports when Cryle Cavv pays him a visit. Cracken divulges the information that an Imperial mole managed to steal an encrypted file containing the identities of numerous Alliance undercover agents and transmit it to the Empire. Although most agents were able to disappear before capture, Rivoche Tarkin, niece to Grand Moff Tarkin, could not alter her identity. Cracken implores Cavv to undertake a rescue mission before the Empire can execute her. Cavv consents, but requests assistance. The general then introduces him to Quillin Arkell, a Velabri who will accompany the former Special Ops agent on his mission. En route to Corulag aboard the G Cat, Cavv attempts conversation with Arkell, but the warrior expresses his disdain for the thief's dishonorable profession. When Cavv tries to joke, Arkell stands to intimidate Cavv, knocking himself unconscious due to the limited space inside the spaceship. As Cavv provides medical aid, Arkell explains the concept of a Velabri Bloodvow and the reasons for his assistance to the Rebel Alliance.
Aboard the Star Destroyer Devastator, Solliane is given the decrypted list of Rebel agents. Captain Nevik suggests heading to the Alfestril system, the closest location, but Solliane recognizes Rivoche and deems her a priority target. He orders an immediate course change to Corulag and a communications blackout to maintain surprise. Nevik objects to this command and confronts the ISB officer. Solliane wraps one of his prosthetic hands around the Captain's throat and begins to strangle him, simultaneously unleashing an electrical shock from the hand, electrocuting the man. He then seizes command of the vessel and orders it to Corulag.
As the G Cat nears Corulag, Arkell observes the ship and identifies it as a Helix-class light interceptor. Cavv assures him that he possesses the appropriate documentation to dispel suspicion and that the ship reinforces the thief's disguise as an extravagant Imperial noble. He convinces Arkell to act as a bodyguard. Upon arrival, they are taken aback by the armada of ships encircling the planet, discovering it is due to a grand engagement party for the upcoming wedding of Vastin Caglio and Rivoche Tarkin. Cavv directs his droid R2-RC to add them to the guest list.
The Devastator arrives at Corulag, narrowly avoiding a collision with a cargo frigate. Solliane is surprised by the sheer number of ships in orbit and demands an explanation. Major Gistol, Solliane's adjutant, informs him about the engagement party and the prohibition of planetary landings for security reasons. Solliane contacts the commanding officer, Admiral Nyran, demanding landing privileges. The admiral refuses, and when Solliane attempts to override the order, the admiral reveals that Vader himself imposed the restrictions. Solliane inquires about the consequences of landing ground forces, and the admiral states that he would open fire and destroy them. The ISB officer terminates communications and quickly formulates a plan to have the Devastator fire upon a random independent ship before escaping into hyperspace. Amidst the ensuing chaos, Solliane and a squad of Storm Commandos would use a Beta-class shuttle to infiltrate the planet.
Rivoche Tarkin is in her penthouse suite making preparations for the party when the doorbell rings. She is informed of a flower delivery requiring her signature. Annoyed, she opens the door to find Cavv and Arkell. Cavv delivers the code phrase to identify himself and explains that he is there to extract her before the Imperials can reach her. As they prepare to depart, Solliane and the Storm Commando squad arrive at Tarkin's door. Cavv shoves a package into Solliane's hands and shuts the door. As the Imperials attempt to breach the door, Cavv uses a remote detonator to ignite the thermite within the package. The resulting explosion damages the building and throws the Imperials from Tarkin's doorstep, allowing the rebels to escape. Despite the explosion, Solliane survives, but is blown onto a nearby roof. Injured, he manages to resume his pursuit of the rebels.
Cavv, Arkell, and Tarkin flee to the ground levels of Curamelle, attempting to return to their ship. Cavv is frustrated by the prevalence of Imperial patrols within the city. While contemplating their predicament, Tarkin expresses her loathing for Vastin Caglio and his father, Moff Caglio. Cavv infers that the Caglios believe Tarkin was abducted by rebel agents, and Solliane is acting independently to capture Tarkin and expose her treason. Despite this realization, the group remains trapped on Corulag. Unable to reach the spaceport, Cavv decides to bring his ship to their location, determining the roof of the Royal Galaxy Hotel as the best rendezvous point. As the group makes their way to the hotel, Solliane enters the headquarters of Coreguard Security Services and offers 200,000 credits to hire a group of bounty hunters to assist him. Upon exiting the building, he spots the Royal Galaxy Hotel and realizes that the rebels will attempt to use the roof as an escape point.
Cavv and his group infiltrate the hotel and conceal themselves in an empty room. The thief directs his droid to tap into the hotel's security cameras, learning that Solliane and his hired bounty hunters are positioned on the roof to prevent their escape. Cavv arranges for backup and settles comfortably on a bed while waiting. Arkell, convinced that fighting is the only option, starts to leave the room. Upon opening the door, he encounters a female clad in body armor whom he mistakes for the infamous bounty hunter Beylyssa. In reality, it is Finn Varatha in disguise, contacted by Cavv to assist with their escape from Corulag. The group prepares and heads to the roof. After a fierce battle, they manage to defeat the Coreguard bounty hunters and force Solliane to flee. R2-RC pilots the G Cat to the hotel and lands it on the roof.
Once in space, Cavv and R2-RC attempt to evade a squadron of TIE fighters while navigating the congested orbit around Corulag. Arkell operates the plasburst laser cannon, destroying some of the pursuers. Solliane takes his shuttle from the surface and meets up with the Devastator, ordering the Star Destroyer to pursue and capture the rebels. As Cavv maneuvers through the traffic, two Carrack-class cruisers attempt to trap him and seize his ship with their tractor beams. Cavv evades them, causing the two cruisers to lock onto each other and collide. The Devastator closes on the G Cat and attempts to ensnare it with its tractor beams, but is blocked by the arrival of the Executor. This distraction allows Cavv to evade capture and escape into hyperspace to safety. Solliane is confronted on the bridge of his Star Destroyer by a hologram of Vader, who blames the ISB officer for the failure.
Cavv meets Cracken upon returning to the Alliance base and receives congratulations for a successful mission. Arkell informs Cracken that his Bloodvow has been fulfilled. Cracken reveals to Arkell that he promised Cavv to re-establish his Special Ops Group and to immediately transfer Arkell and Varatha to it.