Cryle Cavv, a male Human thief from the Legends continuity, once held a position within Cracken's Crew. He possessed the R2-series astromech droid named R2-RC and piloted the vessel known as G Cat. His actions proved vital in both the liberation of Rivoche Tarkin and the subsequent acquisition of the Super Star Destroyer named Guardian.
Following the tragic deaths of Sienn Sconn's parents during the Ryvellia uprising, Cavv journeyed to V'eldalv with the purpose of rescuing the young boy. He then raised Sconn as if he were his own son. Cavv spent a period of time on Contruum, collaborating with Cracken as a member of Cracken's Crew.
Sometime after 0 BBY, Cavv connected with Cracken, reminiscing about their shared past. Cracken disclosed information about an Imperial spy infiltrating the Rebel Alliance, having absconded with an encrypted roster of undercover operatives. Cavv discovered his name was absent from the list, but was informed that Wilhuff Tarkin's niece, Rivoche Tarkin, was on it and in need of immediate extraction to a secure location. Cavv accepted the assignment, requesting assistance in the process. Cracken then introduced him to Quillin Arkell, hand-picked by the general to accompany Cavv on his mission to Corulag.
Cavv and Arkell embarked on their journey aboard the G Cat. While Cavv tried to initiate a casual conversation with Arkell, the Velbari communicated to the thief that he considered association with him to be dishonorable. Cavv attempted to joke with the warrior, but Arkell took offense and stood up to confront Cavv. Due to the limited space within the starship, he accidentally knocked himself unconscious before reaching Cavv. The thief placed him in a bunk and administered first aid. Upon regaining consciousness, the warrior and Cavv discussed the Velabri Bloodvow, and Arkell explained his reasons for serving under Cracken.
As their ship neared Corulag, Cavv prepared his disguise, posing as an Imperial noble to facilitate a landing on the planet without raising suspicion. Arkell identified the G Cat as a Helix-class light interceptor, but Cavv reassured him that he possessed the necessary documentation to prevent any inspections. He informed Arkell that the warrior would need to assume the role of a bodyguard. Upon their arrival at the planet, they were surprised to witness a massive fleet of ships in orbit. R2-RC intercepted a transmission extending an invitation to the engagement party of Vastin Caglio and Rivoche Tarkin. Cavv quickly understood that the party presented an ideal opportunity to infiltrate the planet, instructing his droid to add their names to the guest list. He and Arkell landed on the planet and proceeded to Tarkin's residence. After an unsuccessful attempt to bluff their way inside, Cavv provided Tarkin with the passphrase, confirming his identity and urging her to leave immediately.
Before their escape, ISB officer Sollaine arrived with a contingent of Storm commandos to apprehend Tarkin. Cavv placed a package containing thermite in his hands and secured the apartment door. The thief then used a detonator to remotely trigger the package, creating an opening in the building's wall. After exiting the building, the group fled through the streets of Curamelle in an attempt to reach the spaceport.
Cavv expressed concern over the extensive patrols and Imperial presence, deducing that Moff Jamson Caglio believed Tarkin had been kidnapped, while Sollaine was aware of her role as a spy attempting to escape. Despite this understanding, he remained uncertain about how to leave the planet until he realized that his droid could pilot the ship to their location. Tarkin informed him that the Royal Galaxy Hotel was the tallest structure in the city, leading Cavv to designate the roof as their rendezvous point. Upon reaching the hotel, Cavv broke into a room to await backup. Monitoring the roof through security cameras, Caav noticed that Sollaine and a group of bounty hunters were lying in wait. Once Finn Varatha arrived and was introduced to the group, Cavv led them to the rooftop, where they successfully defeated the assembled bounty hunters.
While escaping the planet, Cavv maneuvered the G Cat through the orbiting armada, evading Imperial ships attempting to intercept him. He found himself confronted by the Star Destroyer Devastator, under Solliane's command. Cavv executed evasive maneuvers, prompting the Devastator to give chase. Before the ship could establish a tractor beam lock on the G Cat, Darth Vader arrived aboard the Super Star Destroyer Executor. This intervention provided Cavv with sufficient cover to escape and jump to hyperspace.
Upon returning to Cracken, Cavv received commendations for his successful mission. The general revealed to Arkell that Cavv had requested the reinstatement of his Special Ops group, and the Velbari would be assigned to it.
Cavv arranged for his nephew, Sconn, to meet him at the Stock Lights, a cantina he owned. While outlining his plan to seize the Super Star Destroyer Guardian, he noticed a Mixtwirk and Rodian at the adjacent table were eavesdropping on their conversation. Cavv seized the antennae of the Mixtwirk and advised him to mind his own business. Cavv then decided to pay for their meal and eject them from the establishment to prevent a potential altercation. Cavv persuaded his nephew to join him and meet with Cracken to acquire further details about the heist.
The general briefed the two men on the information the New Republic possessed regarding the Guardian. Cracken explained that probe droids had detected multiple Lambda-class shuttles appearing within Imperial-controlled space, seeking hyperdrive components for large capital ships. Cracken informed Cavv that he was now in command of the newly established New Republic Special Acquisitions Unit (SAU). Cavv shared that his sources had uncovered a meeting between Burgo Teage and Imperial representatives on the Vohai Unirail at Sensyno Station. He intended to impersonate the black market dealer and leverage the Imperial representatives to locate the Guardian.
After departing from the general, the thieves boarded SV-45, a StarSpeeder 3000 that transported them to Vohai. Upon arrival, they boarded the Unirail and proceeded to the dining/casino car to await Taege's arrival. Cavv devised a strategy to incapacitate the Herglic with alcohol, allowing him to conceal him and assume his identity at the meeting. He dispatched Sconn to scout the black market dealer's quarters and joined Teage at the sabacc tables. Cavv purchased several rounds of Tatooine Sunburns, sufficiently intoxicating the Herglic, enabling Cavv to hide the unconscious black marketeer in a frozen seafood locker in the kitchen. He then proceeded to Taege's suite and prepared to meet with the Imperials. During the meeting, Teage managed to escape his confinement and disrupt the deal, triggering a shootout. Following the skirmish, Cavv suggested to Sconn that they take the shuttle back to the Guardian, but Sconn declined to proceed upon learning of the job's inherent dangers and lack of financial compensation. Cavv attempted to persuade the younger man of the mission's value, but Sconn remained unconvinced. The older thief acquired the shuttle control code and departed. Upon arriving onboard the shuttle, he found Sconn waiting for him, having experienced a change of heart. The two thieves lifted off and made their way to Soullex, where the Guardian was in orbit.
Cavv and Sconn were brought onboard the Super Star Destroyer and overpowered a pair of stormtroopers dispatched to investigate the shuttle. Cavv managed to squeeze into the stormtrooper armor, but before they could explore the ship, they were discovered by protocol droid CT-EX. Cavv engaged with the droid, preventing it from alerting the Imperials. He obtained information about the ship and learned of a group of New Republic soldiers held captive in Detention Block 220. Cavv convinced Sconn that releasing them would be advantageous in assisting with the ship's takeover. They neutralized the lone guard, and Cavv persuaded the soldiers of his affiliation with the New Republic through code phrases and anecdotes. He also discovered that Shandria L'hnnar was among the prisoners.
After liberating the captives, Cavv outlined his plan to override the hyperdrive and program it to jump to friendly space. He also arranged for CT-EX to execute the same command if they were apprehended. Cavv and Sconn proceeded to the engineering room. The older man attempted to override the hyperdrive, inadvertently triggering alarms. Admiral Gaen Drommel arrived with a contingent of stormtroopers and Imperial Navy troopers. Dommel escorted the two thieves to an interrogation room. Cavv infuriated the Admiral by engaging in a stream of consciousness, discussing unrelated topics. He was subsequently confined to a cell, but L'hnnar rescued him.
Cavv and the other New Republic personnel advanced towards the bridge just as Drommel ordered a test of the repaired hyperdrive. The jump placed the ship in close proximity to a New Republic fleet led by Captain Volahn. Cavv demanded Drommel's surrender, but the admiral refused. Before he could fire upon Cavv, Colonel Niovi killed him and surrendered the ship to the New Republic.
Following the operation, Cavv returned to Sconn's apartment accompanied by L'hnnar. He informed them of his retirement as head of the SAU and his expectation that his nephew would succeed him. He excused himself to the kitchen, allowing Sconn and L'hnnar to share a private moment.
Caav possessed a modified Arakyd Helix-class light interceptor known as the G Cat.