Shandria L'hnnar

Shandria L'hnnar was a youthful Human female who initially served the Rebel Alliance and later the New Republic.


As was the case with many Corellians, L'hnnar had ambitions of enrolling in the Imperial Academy. She was consistently a stellar student, easily grasping and retaining information, making her graduation at the top of her class a very real possibility.

However, her faith in the Galactic Empire was shattered when Celida Noerr, a close friend from the Imperial Institute of Higher Studies on Ferrhast, defected to the Rebel Alliance. Noerr exposed the Empire's harsh realities by hacking into the Institute's computer systems. Celida Noerr was subsequently apprehended as a traitor and disappeared without a trace.

Shandria then allied herself with the Alliance and became an operative, primarily utilizing her information-handling skills. With the establishment of the New Republic, she continued her service in the same role.

Encounter on Venaari

L'hnnar journeyed to Venaari to connect with a local rebel group. While at the Binary Bar, stormtroopers launched an assault on some of the Venaarian rebels. Sienn Sconn, who was also present, intervened, attacking the Imperials to assist her escape. Trapped in the bar's rear, L'hnnar noticed a stockroom filled with Gravdinian Ale and deduced the room would have external vents to dissipate the hazardous alcohol fumes. Employing Sconn's stun-staff, she located the ventilation shaft, and they both climbed onto the roof. Sconn leaped into the alley to confront a crew of a Venaarian Strike Speeder, and L'hnnar saved him by shooting the co-pilot who had stealthily approached the thief from behind.

The pair commandeered the speeder and raced toward Ven-Kavi Starport so L'hnnar could return to her ship and flee the planet. En route, L'hnnar attempted to leave Sconn behind to prevent his involvement with the New Republic, but he insisted on ensuring her safe passage to her ship, as he had promised. As they continued, L'hnnar detected Pentix Graphyt, a bounty hunter, landing atop their speeder. She provided Sconn with her hold-out blaster to investigate. After Sconn subdued the bounty hunter, L'hnnar arrived at docking bay 18 and offered Sconn a ride off-world. He declined to join the New Republic, choosing to stay behind and cover her escape. Before departing, she kissed Sconn and discreetly placed a credit stick containing 25,000 credits into his pocket.

