Skirmishes on Coruscant

Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Padawan, found himself embroiled in a series of conflicts on the world of Coruscant. To instigate conflict on the planet, the Black Heth gang allied themselves with the Jin'ha warriors, but Kenobi undertook multiple operations to thwart their plans. At an Elcor Station, he battled a Black Heth gang leader, he saved an informant, and he attached a tracking device to the starship of a dealer in arms. This tracking device prompted the Jedi Order to initiate an investigation to the world of Obredaan.


32 BBY saw the Galactic Republic rife with corruption. After the Eriadu Trade Summit of that year, the position of Viceroy was taken by Nute Gunray after the death of the non-Neimoidian members of the Trade Federation Directorate. Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum was facing accusations of corruption. These events were secretly being orchestrated by Senator Palpatine and Hego Damask, who were heirs to the Sith legacy.

Later, on Coruscant, the center of Republic power, the Jedi High Council was receiving concerning reports. Jedi Master Mace Windu himself tasked Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi with looking into the dangerous, newly formed Black Heth criminal gang.

During that year, the Summertime War was being fought on Haruun Kal, while on the planet of Naboo in the Chommell sector, Palpatine's homeworld, Queen Amidala began her reign after her predecessor King Ars Veruna stepped down from the throne.

The skirmishes


Obi-Wan Kenobi fighting a Jin'ha on Coruscant.

Kenobi was on patrol in the Coruscant underworld, and upon his return to the Elcor Station, he became engaged in combat with the Black Heth, who had seized control of the station. Kenobi cleared the debris that was obstructing the transport and overcame a Trandoshan gang member. Kenobi sensed a dark presence in the Force related to the attack.

Subsequently, Kenobi went back to the Temple and received a briefing before the Jedi Council in the High Council Chamber. Windu pointed out that the Black Heth had previously only engaged in minor offenses, and that the escalation was cause for concern. Kenobi then voiced his own concerns, and his Master Qui-Gon Jinn instructed him to prepare himself. Before his assignment to the next mission, Kenobi then sparred with a Jedi Training Droid in the Jedi Temple Sparring Arena.


Kenobi was then tasked with the rescue of a Coruscant Guard informant who had been taken prisoner by the Black Heth. Kenobi infiltrated the construction site where they were holding the informant, and he avoided being detected by eliminating the gang members and droids who attempted to raise the alarm. Kenobi succeeded in freeing the informant, who cautioned him that the Black Heth were smuggling weapons with the intention of turning Coruscant into a war zone.


The Black Heth were acquiring weapons from an unidentified source and were scheduled to make a pickup at landing platform Nilat-3. Kenobi was assigned to uncover the identity of this organization. Using macrobinoculars, Kenobi spied on the platform until a starship arrived. He informed his Master of the arrival, who instructed him to attach a tracking device. Kenobi was then spotted by the Black Heth and was forced to defend himself.

More gang members showed up, but Kenobi was able to defeat them. He then battled several trained warriors, but he overcame them and attached the tracking device.


The tracking device led to the world of Obredaan. The Jedi Order dispatched a team to investigate the Jin'ha warriors, but this mission failed, leading to a second mission to Obredaan. After the announcement of the first mission, Kenobi engaged in a lightsaber training duel with Council member Saesee Tiin.

Behind the scenes

The Coruscant skirmishes are featured in the opening chapter of the video game Star Wars: Obi-Wan, released in 2001. During the mission to rescue the informant, the Black Heth gang will execute the informant if the player allows an alarm to be triggered.

