Elcor Station, situated within the lower regions of the planet Coruscant, was a hovertrain station that functioned in 32 BBY.
Not long before the [Invasion of Naboo](/article/invasion_of_naboo/legends], Obi-Wan Kenobi received orders to go to the sector where Elcor Station was located. His mission was to acquire intelligence about the Black Heth, a criminal organization operating on the streets. Kenobi successfully located one of the leaders of the gang, a Trandoshan, at Elcor Station. They engaged in combat on the roof of a hovertrain, which was scheduled to depart but was obstructed by substantial metallic wreckage.
Following encounters with numerous Black Heth members and overcoming their chief, Kenobi employed a Force push to remove the obstruction, boarded the hovertrain, and departed from the sector.
The initial depiction of Elcor Station occurred within the video game Star Wars: Obi-Wan released in 2001.