Skinning the Mynock, a location within Eskaron, served as part of at least one race track. The tunnel system in this area featured a split into a figure-eight configuration, raising the possibility of racers intersecting. Shortly after navigating the initial figure eight, the tunnel bifurcated again into another figure eight. The central portion of this second figure eight included a constricted segment, necessitating pilots to orient their craft vertically to proceed. These close encounters, either from crossing paths or navigating the narrow tunnel, meant pilots risked scraping off any mynocks clinging to their ships' exteriors due to near collisions.
During 32 BBY, Gael Kinner of the Blood Raptors, piloting his G-59 Cannibalizer, and Teeloo, a Rodian entrepreneur in his YT-1210 named Neeva-Beelo, raced through Eskaron, specifically traversing this perilous section. Directly following this passage, Kinner was compelled to fire upon the Z-95 flown by a pilot participating in a different race.