Gael Kinner

Gael Kinner was a pilot who belonged to the Blood Raptors gang, and was a male Human.


Kinner was chosen to participate in a race in 32 BBY. He was to navigate his G-59 Cannibalizer through the Eskaron tunnels, competing against Teeloo. The Blood Raptors had seized Teeloo's goods as punishment for a collision with one of their vessels. They also forced him to race through Eskaron as a form of humiliation, wagering his cargo against his ship, the Neeva-Beelo. Regardless of the race's outcome, the Raptors intended to keep both the cargo and the ship, with some members even attempting to sabotage the Neeva-Beelo.

During the race, Kinner and Teeloo encountered another race using the same route. To avoid a collision, Kinner fired upon and destroyed the lead ship of the other race. This ship belonged to Nirama, a crime lord who was extremely unhappy about the loss of his pilot Arraxx, his ship, and the race.

Following the conclusion of Kinner's race with Teeloo, Len Markus, Nirama's lieutenant, gathered Teeloo's crew, Kinner, and several other Blood Raptors. They were transported to Nirama's base in Mikish. After investigating the events, Nirama determined that the Raptors were at fault and released Teeloo and his crew. Nirama then fed one of the Blood Raptors to the rancor at the Bollin Exotic Animal Emporium. It is possible that Gael, as the one who destroyed Nirama's ship, was the one who met this gruesome end.

