The Skaak Tipper Compound represented an installation built underground, situated not far to the north of the city of Theed. It was located within the Western Great Grass Plains on the Mid Rim world of Naboo.

During the time frame of the Galactic Civil War, specifically sometime after the Battle of Yavin which occurred in 0 BBY, the criminal syndicate known as the Skaak Tippers utilized the compound as their operational hub.
In 1 ABY, Sergeant Bragg alongside the RSF Intelligence Division launched an investigation into the Skaak Tipper Compound while trying to find out who was behind a terrorist attack that occurred in Theed. During this period, the compound came under attack by Darkwalker spacers commanded by [Jorgellansel](/article/jorgellansel]. Later, the fugitive murderer Hunnos Jarkey sought temporary shelter inside the Skaak Tipper Compound after successfully evading capture by the Royal Naboo Security Forces.
The Skaak Tipper Compound appeared as a location in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies. This game was a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game that was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts, prior to the game's servers being shut down on December 15, 2011. The Skaak Tipper Compound was integrated into the game as a component of the "Legacy Quest" with the implementation of "Publish 25," which was also known as the "New Game Enhancements," on November 15, 2005.