Sigma-class shuttle

The Sigma-class shuttle represented a shuttlecraft design from Koensayr Manufacturing. By 2 ABY, it was largely considered an outdated model, although traders and criminal groups such as the Granse Confederacy continued to utilize it.


In comparison to the Galactic Empire's Lambda-class T-4a shuttle, the Sigma-class shuttle exhibited lower levels of both speed and overall power.

The Mist Laden, a Sigma-class shuttle that had undergone significant modification, possessed a length of 21.6 meters. Its equipment included a Class 1 hyperdrive complemented by a Class 15 backup, a navigation computer, deflector shields, sensors, enough consumables to last four months, a laser cannon, a heavy turbolaser cannon, and a maximum atmospheric speed of 1,000 kilometers per hour. The standard crew consisted of two pilots and two gunners, but it could be operated by a single crewmember. Furthermore, it had capacity for eight passengers and 100 metric tons of cargo.


Koensayr, a manufacturer of both components and starships, originally produced the Sigma-class. While once a popular design, it had been surpassed and largely superseded by vessels such as the Imperial Lambda-class shuttle many years prior to 2 ABY.

The Mist Laden, a modified Sigma-class shuttle, was once the property of an independent trader. The Gand findsman Lu'daal-ud seized it when he captured its original owner. After further modifications by Lu'daal-ud's associates, it proved to be a dependable ship and was among the vessels used by the Granse Confederacy, a criminal organization that counted the Gand among its members.

Behind the scenes

The Sigma-class shuttle was initially referenced in Alliance Intelligence Reports, a 1995 sourcebook for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game by West End Games.


  • Alliance Intelligence Reports (First mentioned)
  • The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels

Notes and references
