Shulf'aa was a Vernol merchant and art dealer of the male gender. He possessed two sculptures by the renowned light sculptor Ves Volette, having acquired them through illicit means. Den Dhur, a former journalist, was apprehended for posing as a law enforcement officer during his questioning of Shulf'aa in pursuit of information.
Sometime following his unlawful acquisition of a pair of artworks created by the light artist Ves Volette, Shulf'aa met his demise. The increasing market value led Shulf'aa to expect substantial earnings, causing him to closely monitor all price fluctuations. Consequently, he attracted the interest of Den Dhur, a Sullustan reporter who was involved in the Caamasi murder investigation. Dhur confronted Shulf'aa, threatening to expose his unlawful activities unless he cooperated. Subsequently, Shulf'aa consented to provide Dhur with the identity of the individual who had stolen and transferred the light sculptures to him, a Nuknog named Spa Fon. Subsequently, Shulf'aa lodged a formal complaint with the sector police against Dhur. However, this action proved futile, as the police prefect, Pol Haus, was affiliated with Whiplash.