The Ship's Articles, penned by Celis Mott, represented a code of conduct for pirates. These regulations were often followed by Rebel privateers, and consisted of the following stipulations:
Each crew member is entitled to a vote during voting procedures, and each member is entitled to an equal portion of any provisions discovered. The distribution of all captured goods must be equitable, overseen by a committee selected by the crew. Any act of swindling against the ship or its crew will result in the punishment of marooning. The consumption of alcohol or participation in gambling activities while on duty is strictly forbidden. All personal weaponry and protective vacuum suits must be maintained in a consistently clean and functional state. Individuals under the age of majority, as well as non-working family members, are not permitted. Abandoning one's assigned battle station will be penalized by either marooning or death, as determined by a crew vote. Physical altercations are prohibited on the ship. Personal conflicts must be resolved through formal duels on planetary surfaces. The crew shall continue to operate until each member has received 100,000 credits. Crew members with permanent disabilities are to be granted 80,000 credits from shared funds, with lesser injuries receiving proportionally reduced amounts. The captain, chief engineer, and weapons officer are each entitled to two shares of the spoils. Other officers will receive one and a half shares. All remaining crew members are to receive one share each.