A starship equipped with a shield generator capable of protecting a whole fleet of C-9979 landing craft was utilized by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars, a conflict between them and the Galactic Republic. This vessel was deployed during a battle that took place on the moon called Gall; it shielded the invading Separatist Droid Army. The planetary defense force of Gall tried to destroy the Separatist landing ships, but the shield from the lead vessel was impenetrable, although the Separatists were able to fire upon the defenders from within the shield. A sergeant within the defense force made Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano aware of the shielding, so the two used agricultural vehicles called jet-wings to pass through the lead ship's shields without being detected by its sensors. Skywalker and Tano successfully landed on the ship and entered through an exterior hatch. They proceeded through several rooms containing dormant B1-series battle droids before arriving at the shield generator. They remarked that it appeared similar to Geonosian technology, but much more advanced. Subsequently, they placed explosives on the generator, which activated the onboard droid forces. The pair battled the attacking B1 battle droids and B2 super battle droids, but faced overwhelming numbers. Using their lightsabers, they cut through the ship's flooring and dropped to safety in their waiting Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptor below. The explosives then detonated, destroying the ship, which caused the shields over the other landing craft to fall, allowing the defense force to destroy them.
The shielded ship made its initial appearance, without being named, in Inside Job, a comic penned by Rik Hoskin and illustrated by Andres Ponce. It was published in 2009 in issue 6.1 of the magazine series Star Wars Comic UK.