Shamus Falconi was a male Human who operated as a smuggler during the era of the Galactic Civil War. The starship Lumrunner was passed down to him from his grandmother, and he worked alongside the Wookiee named Grasheel.
Falconi was born on the planet Algor. He faced a dilemma: follow in his mother and sisters' footsteps as a pirate, or pursue a career in law like his father. Finding neither option appealing, he decided to use the ship inherited from his grandmother to become both a free-trader and a smuggler. He maintained a wide network of contacts who provided information about profitable cargo runs and spaceports to avoid.
One of his primary activities involved smuggling illicit weaponry produced by Dutan Lee to miners operating in the Mestra system. During one particular rendezvous, Falconi intended to trade lum along with industrial replusorlift coils in exchange for mining equipment. However, the actual transaction involved refined tibanna gas and military-grade coils, traded for stolen Imperial arms. As the ship approached docking bay 1831, Falconi detected a scan targeting his vessel. He instructed Grasheel to conduct a counter-scan, utilizing the incoming signal to assess the situation awaiting them on the ground. Once landed, Falconi signaled Lee and Chop Harlison by dispatching Grasheel first, all while smoking a cigarillo. Captain Alijah Orr, leading a squad of stormtroopers and customs inspectors, descended upon the group, intent on uncovering illegal contraband. Falconi asserted his innocence, fully cooperating with the authorities. When the scanning teams found nothing, Orr insisted on boarding the ship to conduct a manual search. Falconi agreed and observed as the Imperials discovered nothing suspicious.
After the Imperials departed, Falconi revealed to Lee that he had Renea Luies conceal the illegal weapons and that the Port Captain had affixed legitimate Imperial Customs Bureau seals to the crates, thus ensuring easy passage through customs. Falconi then informed Harlison that the tibanna gas was hidden within specific lum bottles and that the military repulsor coils were concealed inside the industrial coil cases. Following the exchange of credits, Falconi produced a bottle of Socorran raava to finalize the agreement.