Dutan Lee

Dutan Lee, an Arcona male, operated as a leading arms dealer within the galaxy's underworld. He masked his illicit smuggling activities behind the respectable facade of Dutan Mining Supply Exports, a legitimate business headquartered on Gallisport, and was an Arcona of some repute.


Lee, Dutan, was a prominent figure in the mining equipment supply industry, managing his family's enterprise. Simultaneously, he held a significant position as one of the most influential arms dealers operating within the Minos Cluster. To gather intelligence on shipment details and security protocols, this male Arcona leveraged his familial connection with Dutan Kelliv, his cousin. Furthermore, he cultivated an extensive network of relatives employed in local governmental roles, enabling a constant flow of information. To safeguard his operations, Lee frequently relocated his headquarters; however, his sister, Dutana Leara, suffered from salt addiction and often compromised his secrecy while under its influence.

Lee's presence was recorded at docking bay 1831 on Gallisport, alongside Chop Harlison, where they were scheduled to rendezvous with Shamus Falconi and Grasheel. His intention was to facilitate the sale of prohibited weaponry to the smugglers. However, the anticipated transaction faced disruption due to the unexpected arrival of Imperial Customs officers. Apprehensive about the potential discovery of the concealed arms intended for the smugglers, Lee was astonished when the search revealed the crates contained only legitimate mining equipment. Subsequent to the departure of the Customs officials, he discovered that Renea Luies had orchestrated a covert substitution of the crates, enabling the clandestine removal of the weapon containers from the planet.

