The quest to locate Captain Kael commenced during the Invasion of Naboo which occurred in 32 BBY. The Naboo Resistance had allied themselves with Borvo, a Hutt smuggler who conducted operations from the mountains; together, they devised an offensive targeting the invading forces of the Trade Federation. One notable triumph involved an infiltration of a Trade Federation slave camp; a captured gunboat was used to liberate Naboo civilians. Following the mission's completion, Borvo provided transports, while Lieutenant Gavyn Sykes from the resistance escorted the remaining civilians. Upon Sykes' arrival at the designated rendezvous point, the other members of his squadron informed him that their flight leader, Captain Kael, had been shot down; consequently, Sykes immediately set out to find him. During this search, Sykes engaged Federation Single Trooper Aerial Platforms and Armored Assault Tanks in combat. He arrived at a plasma mining camp and successfully defended it against attacking tanks, but the mine's operator then betrayed him, compelling Sykes to destroy the camp. Subsequently, Lutin Hollis, one of Sykes' wingman, contacted Sykes to report that he had located the Captain. Sykes battled through additional Federation forces before reaching Kael, who, with his dying words, revealed Borvo's treachery and implored Sykes to rescue the civilians.
During the Trade Federation's Invasion of Naboo in 32 BBY, certain pilots from Naboo's Bravo Squadron (the planet) joined forces with Borvo the Hutt, a smuggler and his organization, and subsequently initiated an offensive against the Trade Federation Droid Army. After the squadron had liberating captured civilians from the Trade Federation, Borvo arranged for transports to collect the civilians. However, Lieutenant Gavyn Sykes was required to escort a separate group. Upon reaching the rendezvous point, Sykes was informed by his wingmates that their flight leader, Captain Kael, had been shot down, prompting them to immediately depart in search of him.
As Bravo Squadron moved closer to Kael's last known location, the group divided to conduct a search. Sykes, utilizing his Seraph-class urban landspeeder, searched for him on the ground. He was then forced to eliminate numerous Federation B1-Series battle droids mounted on Single Trooper Aerial Platforms, who were also engaged in the search for Kael. Two Armored Assault Tanks obstructed Sykes' progress on a bridge, but he successfully destroyed them and continued his search.

Following his crossing of the bridge, Sykes observed what he believed to be Borvo's personal transport; however, the ship departed before he could approach it. Continuing onward, Sykes discovered a plasma mining camp under assault by droid forces. He intervened and destroyed the attacking tanks.
After the tanks were eliminated, he contacted the mine director to request information regarding Captain Kael. The director instructed Sykes to withdraw, asserting that he was conducting a legitimate operation. When Sykes refused to comply with the director's demand, the mining camp's remaining defenses opened fire on him, compelling him to destroy the camp's administration building. Consequently, Sykes was left with no alternative but to disable the remainder of the camp, neutralizing the turrets and the camp's plasma miners. Once the defenses were destroyed, Lutin Hollis, one of Sykes' wingmen, contacted him, reporting that he had located the Captain's fighter. Sykes, detecting their presence on his sensors, proceeded to their location.

The Trade Federation was still actively searching for Kael, and Sykes was forced to engage more Single Trooper Aerial Platforms and two additional Armored Assault Tanks. He also detected droid bombers and was required to shoot them down before they could locate the Captain. Following the destruction of the bombers, the remaining Federation forces retreated, allowing Sykes to approach the Captain. Kael, suffering from mortal wounds, used his last moments to warn Sykes of the Hutt's betrayal. Sykes inquired about the civilians he had rescued; Kael responded that Borvo intended to sell them into slaves. With his final breath, he commanded Sykes to rescue them.
As the rest of Bravo Squadron arrived, an enraged Sykes requested his starfighter from his other wingman, Vedd Deviss, stating their intention to pursue Borvo, who was based on Porso Hill. Bravo Squadron then proceeded to avenge Kael's death and to liberate the civilians once more. The event was subsequently referenced in a report presented to the Sith Lord Darth Maul by Viceroy Nute Gunray, the leader of the invasion.
The endeavor to find Captain Kael is depicted in the 2000 video game Star Wars: Episode I: Battle for Naboo. Players take on the role of Gavyn Sykes, piloting a Seraph-class speeder, also known as a "Flash" speeder, as the mission's default vehicle. Within the camp's central hub, a designated area allows players to recharge their shields, and Sykes provides commentary if the player passes through it.