Porso Hill

Porso Hill, an island on the planet of Naboo, played a key role during the Invasion of Naboo in 32 BBY. At that time, this hill became a temporary prison camp commanded by the smuggler Borvo the Hutt, where he held his captured slaves. Lieutenant Gavyn Sykes launched an attack on Porso Hill, successfully defeating Borvo and liberating the enslaved individuals from the criminal's base.


Situated on the planet Naboo, Porso Hill was an island surrounded by water. This gray hill featured a flat summit and five extensions that descended into the water. Its location within a canyon provided only two entry points. The canyon was dotted with several small, grassy islands, one of which was covered in trees.


During the Trade Federation's Invasion of Naboo in 32 BBY, the islands around Porso Hill were equipped with laser turrets and missile launchers. Furthermore, a vehicular weapons upgrade was concealed behind a group of trees on one of these islands.

Around the time of the invasion, Borvo the Hutt, a smuggler, chose Porso Hill as the location for a camp for his criminal organization. The camp included a docking station for his freighter and eight barracks. After rescuing Naboo slaves from the Trade Federation's invasion, he imprisoned them in a makeshift prison there, intending to sell them. Bravo Flight of the Naboo Royal Security Forces', under the command of Lieutenant Gavyn Sykes, destroyed Borvo's camp. Sykes' mission was to bring Borvo to justice for his betrayal and murder of Captain Kael. Subsequently, Sykes freed the slaves held by Borvo and eliminated Borvo's transport. Borvo then fled Porso Hill, seeking refuge on his homeworld of Nal Hutta.

During the assault, Sykes successfully located and acquired the vehicle upgrade from the island before advancing to Porso Hill.

Behind the scenes

The video game Star Wars: Episode I: Battle for Naboo, released in 2000, marked the debut of Porso Hill. Within the level featuring the hill, players are tasked with locating the concealed upgrade—advanced lasers—as a bonus objective. The reference book The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, published in 2008, contains an entry for Porso Hill, although it mistakenly refers to the location as "Portho Hill."

