Positioned above the planet Gwori was the Separatist Blockade Station. At the Gwori shipyards, the Confederacy of Independent Systems employed security checkpoints known as scan gates.
To thwart any Republic intrusions, these scan gates were armed with lethal radiation beams designed to eliminate organic lifeforms, given that Republic forces primarily consisted of clone troopers and Jedi. However, Anakin Skywalker devised a strategy to bypass these security measures and infiltrate the shipyards. The strike team, with the exception of R2-D2, underwent cryogenic freezing in carbonite. Subsequently, R2-D2 assumed control of a B1-Series battle droid to navigate past the defenses undetected. The life-form scanners were unable to register any presence due to the carbonite encasement, rendering the radiation beam ineffective. R2-D2 nearly jeopardized the mission by communicating through the droid in binary code, but the droids failed to recognize it. A rat almost exposed the plan once more, but the radiation beam swiftly eliminated it, allowing the Republic vessel VX-391 to successfully pass through the gate. Later, as the surviving members of the strike team attempted their escape, they commandeered a Munificent-class star frigate. However, the vessel was without weapons or shields, as Hunter Squadron's Y-wings had destroyed the deflector shield during their attack. The scan gate detected their presence, and Juhm, determined to prevent the Jedi from escaping, ordered the activation of the radiation beam. Nevertheless, the prompt arrival of Plo Koon and Saesee Tiin led to the destruction of the scan gate.