Juhm, a male Muun, held the position of overseer at the Gwori shipyards located on the planet Gwori during the period known as the Clone Wars.
Sometime around 22 BBY during the conflict of the Clone Wars, Juhm maintained a vigilant observation of the freighters transporting essential supplies. He detected an anomaly: instead of the expected six ships, a seventh had joined the convoy. The B1-Series battle droids, responsible for overseeing the freighters' passage through the blockade, dismissed the extra vessel as a mere miscalculation by the sometimes faulty plunk droids. However, Juhm suspected a Jedi attack and sensed something was wrong. Despite his droid servants' suggestion to destroy the entire convoy as a precaution, Juhm formulated a strategy to avoid destroying the much-needed supplies aboard the other freighters.
Juhm transmitted a message to the entire convoy, instructing them to proceed to Platform A-61. When one of the ships, VX-391, failed to immediately alter its course, Juhm identified it as the intruder. He promptly ordered his Vulture droid starfighters to eliminate the Republic vessel. Although the freighter was swiftly destroyed, the pilot, the astromech droid R2-D2, managed to escape along with the cargo: several clone troopers and the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Ahsoka Tano, who were concealed within carbonite blocks.
After receiving reports from the droids confirming the ship's destruction, Juhm reveled in the possibility that he might have killed several Jedi, a feat that could earn him a medal. When Count Dooku contacted him to determine if he had successfully thwarted the Jedi saboteurs, Juhm confidently reported his success and declined any additional troops to reinforce his position. However, Juhm's confidence quickly evaporated when he detected an unauthorized transmission originating from Station 22, a communications tower on the planet. Upon contacting the station, Juhm discovered Ahsoka Tano and a group of clone troopers, led by Captain Rex, attempting to contact the Republic.

Disturbed by this development, Juhm was compelled to confess his error to Dooku during their next communication. Dooku insisted on dispatching additional troops to Juhm's location to deal with the Jedi intruders, despite Juhm's assurances that he would handle the situation. Seeking to rectify his mistake, Juhm traveled to the shipyards with a droid contingent to investigate reports of further Jedi sightings in the area. The shipyards were staffed by enslaved beings, kept in control through electrorestraints. Juhm appealed to the workers' fears, urging them to identify the Jedi before they could bring Republic forces to the planet, potentially resulting in the destruction of the shipyards and the loss of many lives.
The Foreman of the shipyards, Mirax, pointed out the intruders to Juhm, hoping to prevent harm to his workers. Consequently, several destroyer droids captured the two Jedi, Skywalker and Kenobi. Juhm ordered the Jedi to be taken to the shocker sticks, and then began to question the foreman about the Jedi's intentions and the location of their allies. Mirax revealed that another Jedi was hiding on the plateau, away from the shipyards. The overseer then prepared his troops to capture the remaining intruder. Before departing the shipyards, Juhm informed the foreman that his workers would receive extra food rations as a reward for their loyalty. Juhm justified the use of organic beings as workers by claiming it was a safeguard against Republic attacks, as the Separatists believed the Jedi would never authorize a mission that could result in the deaths of numerous innocent workers. However, Juhm's explanation only caused Mirax to regret his decision to betray the Jedi, leading him to question his allegiance to Juhm and the Separatists.
Leaving the shipyards, Juhm discovered Ahsoka Tano and Captain Rex attempting to traverse the Gwori landscape. Juhm's forces captured them, reuniting them with the other Jedi. All four were placed against the shocker sticks, devices used for electrical torture, and subjected to shocks for Juhm's amusement and to reinforce his control over the slaves. Dooku contacted Juhm once more, expressing his satisfaction with Juhm's success without his assistance. Dooku revealed his intention to visit Gwori to inspect Juhm's operation and participate in the execution of the captured Jedi. In accordance with the Count's request, Juhm left the Jedi under the guard of several IG-100 MagnaGuards, who continued to torture them with the shocker sticks throughout the night.

Eventually, the Jedi managed to escape and returned to the slaves' quarters. This time, Mirax and the group agreed to aid the Jedi in their escape from the planet. The next morning, Juhm began preparations for Dooku's arrival, including dressing for the occasion with the help of one of his female slaves, Kirraa. Kirraa had been tasked with retrieving the captured Jedi's lightsabers, and she played along with the overseer, attempting to get close to the weapons. Juhm misinterpreted the woman's flattery as attraction, believing she had finally recognized the allure of his power. Before he could continue the conversation, Juhm was informed that a Republic force had bypassed the blockade and was approaching the shipyards. Juhm ordered his forces to mobilize, dispatching his fighters to intercept the Republic ships. However, Juhm remained confident that the Republic would not attack the shipyards due to the presence of sentient beings whose lives would be endangered. Unfortunately for the overseer, the slaves had escaped from the shipyards. Shocked by the slaves' disappearance, Kirraa seized the opportunity to escape his quarters with the Jedi lightsabers. Juhm ordered his forces to locate the missing slaves, but with their lightsabers restored, the Jedi easily defeated the droids and boarded a Munificent-class star frigate with the group to flee the planet.
Meanwhile, Juhm's facility came under heavy assault from Hunter and Tracker Squadron, led by Jedi Masters Plo Koon and Saesee Tiin. The two Jedi successfully destroyed the defensive laser cannons protecting the shipyards, and the bomber squadrons began to devastate the Separatist operation. Juhm was stunned by this turn of events but rallied his forces to prevent the complete destruction of the shipyards. During the ensuing battle, Juhm noticed one of his completed Munificent-class star frigates escaping the facility. Realizing that the Jedi were using the ship to escape with his slaves, Juhm notified the blockade above the planet to prevent the ship from passing through. As the frigate began its ascent into space, Juhm focused on the ongoing battle, nearly averting the total destruction of the shipyards. However, the supports of the facility had been severely weakened by the Republic's bombing run, and they eventually collapsed, resulting in the complete destruction of Juhm's operation.
Enraged by the loss of his facility, Juhm was determined to deny the Jedi the final victory. He concentrated all his remaining firepower on the escaping Jedi ship and its cargo of freed slaves. Juhm's forces managed to redirect the ship through the scan gate, a radiation device used by the Separatists to prevent ships carrying living beings from bypassing the blockade, capable of vaporizing organic matter. Confident that the Jedi and the slaves would be annihilated by the scan gate, Juhm contacted the fleeing ship to gloat over their impending demise. However, the Republic squadrons, having completed their mission, arrived just in time to disable the scan gate, saving the group. As the Republic forces escaped into hyperspace, the scan gate exploded, obscuring further transmissions. Juhm contacted the blockade commander to determine if the Jedi ship had been destroyed, but the droid informed the overseer that the Jedi had escaped. Amidst the destruction and to Juhm's dismay, the droid commander added that Dooku had just arrived.

Dooku arrived at the smoldering facility's landing platform aboard his solar sailer and disembarked with his acolyte, Asajj Ventress. Dooku informed Juhm that he had intended to offer him a reward for his performance, but the extent of the destruction rendered such a gesture inappropriate. Juhm attempted to reassure Dooku that the defeat was merely a minor setback and that he could rectify the situation with time. However, Dooku realized that Juhm was once again refusing his assistance. Frustrated with the overseer's behavior, he informed the Muun that his services were no longer required and that he would no longer be involved in the Separatists' plans. With this declaration, Dooku ordered Juhm's execution, and Ventress drew her lightsaber. Juhm could only raise his hands in defense before being struck down. After the overseer's death, Dooku instructed Ventress to learn from Juhm's example, stating that those who refused help from their allies were of no value to him.
Following Juhm's death, Dooku contacted his master, Darth Sidious, to inform him of Juhm's failure. Sidious responded that the Gwori shipyards were destined to fall eventually and that the defeat had actually benefited their plans. He explained that if the shipyards had remained operational, the Confederate Navy might have become too powerful, potentially ending the war prematurely. Sidious asserted that Juhm's demise was necessary because he was a weak link in their scheme.