Saren Llalik, a female Human Doctor from Plavin 6, was a renowned cyborg technology researcher. Her expertise in cyborg technology led to the creation of notable products such as the Borg Construct Aj^6. Secretly, Llalik served the Rebel Alliance as an espionage agent, developing a system to funnel sensitive information about new technologies at BioTech Industries, her place of employment, to the Alliance. Her clandestine activities were invaluable, saving countless Rebel soldiers, and earning her the gratitude of Alliance General Airen Cracken, who felt deeply indebted to her.
The younger sister of Doctor Nashiak Llalik, an armor technology developer who sided with the Galactic Empire, Llalik also served the Rebellion by providing Alliance Intelligence with reports in 2 ABY concerning her brother and Doctor Cinto Alaras, another engineer who posed a potential threat to Rebel operations.
Saren Llalik's life began on the humid planet of Plavin 6, where she was born as the only daughter and third child to Doctors Nash and Loran Llalik. Her older brother, Nashiak Llalik, who would later become an armor enthusiast, entertained Saren during their youth with stories of the Death Watch and the Sun Guard, focusing on their distinctive armors. Saren and her oldest brother both joined the Rebel Alliance around the same time Nashiak became a member of COMPNOR, a Galactic Empire organization. Saren chose to conceal her allegiance, allowing her to operate as a covert agent. Both siblings achieved mastery in their respective fields: Saren in cyborg technology and Nashiak in armor technology.
By 1 ABY, Llalik had risen to the position of Director of Prosthetic Design at BioTech Industries, a company specializing in medical and cyborg technologies. As a respected cybernetic expert involved in experimental design, she was known for her high-quality projects, including the Borg Construct Aj^6 cybernetic implant. Working from a laboratory within a restricted area of BioTech's headquarters in the Corellian system, Llalik also established a system to transmit classified information to the Rebel command, including Imperial military designs, using an unsuspecting 2-1B surgical droid in her lab. She had integrated an espionage module into the droid, using it to store files on new cybernetic designs. Kena Shont, a medical technician and fellow Rebel agent, would then download these files onto her personal datapad and deliver the information to the Rebel command. Because BioTech's maintenance teams could only detect the sabotage through an analysis that only Llalik, as Director of Prosthetic Design, could authorize, her actions remained undetected. Llalik's work for the Alliance, which primarily involved providing secret information and valuable technological designs, saved numerous lives and earned her the respect of Alliance General Airen Cracken, who felt indebted to her and included her in his personal contacts.
During an extended paid leave in 2 ABY, Llalik assisted the Task Force on Alliance Security as a consultant on medical and cyborg technologies that could be used against the Empire. In this capacity, she authored a report on the potential threat posed by Doctor Cinto Alaras, an engineer with no known political affiliations, and on Rebel agent Sommen, who was working undercover at the same corporation as Alaras. Llalik also prepared a report on her brother Nashiak, who had become an armor designer for Imperial military projects.
By 4 ABY, in the aftermath of the Battle of Endor, Llalik was still an active member of what would soon become the Alliance of Free Planets. She was highly regarded for her engineering contributions, which provided the Alliance's soldiers with advanced technologies. Alliance historian Voren Na'al considered her work to be as crucial as that of Generals Jan Dodonna and Airen Cracken.
Saren Llalik possessed exceptional technical skills across various domains, including the programming, design, and maintenance of computers, droids, and prosthetics, as well as expertise in management, medicine, and cyborg technology. She also had knowledge in other areas, such as alien [species](/article/species-legends], security, and even forgery. Llalik underwent training to enhance her physical endurance, and while she was proficient with a blaster and capable of evading shots, she rarely carried a weapon. Her standard equipment included a datapad, a diagnostic computer, a comlink, and a medpac, along with an identification card for accessing her lab.
Llalik held her older brother Nashiak in high regard, believing him to be a talented engineer in his field. She preferred to believe that he was simply unaware of the malicious applications of his work, rather than being inherently cruel like his employers. She hoped that Nashiak would eventually join the Alliance, allowing them to collaborate and spend quality time together.
Saren Llalik was initially mentioned in the roleplaying game book Cracken's Rebel Operatives (1994), published by West End Games, edited by Bill Smith, and written by a team of authors. The book featured a visual representation of Llalik created by Brian Schomburg. Llalik also appeared in two other roleplaying books by the same publisher, co-authored by Smith: Alliance Intelligence Reports (1995) and The Truce at Bakura Sourcebook (1996).