
Sapella, a world situated within the Kathol Outback, was a planet. Its location was so isolated that it took five days to travel from Timbra Ott, an indication of just how remote it was, even considering the Outback's reputation. Because greater financial gains could be found at destinations such as Jangelle and within the Kathol Republic, few traders bothered to journey there. Circa 8 ABY, Sapella was experiencing the initial phases of an ice age. The majority of both the northern and southern regions were covered in polar ice, leaving only a temperate zone near the equator as a place where life could thrive. While temperatures varied from icy to extremely cold, the colony's location provided some protection from the harshest weather conditions. This colony, situated on islands along a hilly coastline, cultivated crops like hindian pears, sihan peaches, grains, and also raised livestock. They also produced wine, which they bartered with merchants from Timbra Ott and Jangelle for necessary goods.

Sapella possessed a small fleet comprised of two sizable, yet obsolete, capital ships, and had a defense agreement in place with Timbra Ott. Before 8 ABY, a third capital ship was lost when it collided with a vessel belonging to the Aing-Tii. Although the collision was unintentional, the leaders of Sapella were ignorant of this detail.


  • The Kathol Outback

Notes and references
