"Salvaged" is a narrative presented in Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Volume 9. The story centers on a clone trooper who is a pilot, flying for the Republic, found on a vessel used for collecting space debris.
HOB-147, a member of the Light Brigade Division, is found unconscious within the wreckage of his V-19 Torrent starfighter. Hurd Coyle, the captain of a salvage ship, is the one who recovers him. Coyle's crew is composed of reprogrammed B1-Series battle droids along with B2 super battle droids, potentially acquired from the Confederacy of Independent Systems. He instructs some of his B1 units to bring the damaged starfighter aboard to assess its salvageability.
Upon entering the hangar, the B1 droids notice that HOB-147's life support system is still functioning, albeit critically. Coyle then orders them to move him to the ship's medical bay. The clone, now without his armor, awakens to find himself surrounded by three B1 droids. Mistaking them for Confederacy captors, he violently dismantles the droids with his bare hands. Coyle then subdues him with an electro-dart, protesting the clone's behavior and restraining him with chains. During their brief conversation, HOB-147 learns about Order 66 and the new status of the Jedi as enemies. Unconvinced, largely due to his recent isolation in space, he contemplates the situation after Coyle departs.
Subsequently, HOB-147 discovers Nia, a young Jedi Padawan, observing him from an air vent. He pulls her out, resulting in another electro-dart from Coyle, who had returned unexpectedly. Coyle notices Nia, removes her from the medical bay, and locks her inside a cargo hold. HOB-147, questioning, "Kidnapping children? Order 66? What kind of Separatist plot is this?," resolves to investigate. He breaks free and stealthily exits the medical bay.
Simultaneously, Coyle, en route to the bridge, is intercepted by one of his droids, who informs him of the clone's escape. A B1 battle droid on the bridge then reports that a Republic cruiser is approaching and intends to inspect their cargo.
HOB-147, having reached the cargo hold entrance, finds a B2 super battle droid guarding it under Coyle's orders. The clone trooper defeats the droid with a metal beam and enters the cargo hold, where he is immediately attacked by an unseen force. Upon regaining consciousness, he is astonished to find himself surrounded by Jedi Padawans.
Meanwhile, Coyle must contend with a squad of clones, led by an ARC trooper, who have boarded his ship. The ARC trooper, stating that cargo ships have been used to smuggle Jedi to the Outer Rim, orders his troops to thoroughly search the vessel, much to Coyle's dismay. Coyle's frustration intensifies when HOB-147, now in his uniform, appears and introduces himself. However, Coyle is taken aback when the clone pilot falsely assures the ARC trooper that there are no Jedi onboard.
HOB-147 bids farewell to Coyle and departs with the clone troopers, who, trusting the pilot's word, decide to forgo the ship's inspection. Nia, once again hidden in an air vent, watches her new ally leave.