Ruusaan Skirata

Ruusaan Skirata, also known as Ruu, was the sole biological daughter and youngest child of Kal Skirata, a Mandalorian mercenary, and Ilippi, his non-Mandalorian spouse. She was the only sister and youngest sibling of both Ijaat and Tor Skirata.

Although her name was Mandalorian in origin (Ruusaan translates to "reliable one"), Ruusaan was raised by her mother, adopting her mother's views on Mandalorians, though she did not reject her father like her brothers seemingly did. While searching for Ko Sai, Kal Skirata considered attempting to locate his daughter after completing his assignment.

Sometime during the period of the Clone Wars, Ruusaan was captured while fighting for the Confederacy of Independent Systems and subsequently incarcerated in a Republic Detention Center located on Pols Anaxes. Bardan Jusik, a Jedi Knight who had become a Mandalorian, along with Sull and Spar, former Advanced Recon Commandos, and Fi, an ex-Clone commando, went undercover to infiltrate the detention facility. They used forged documents that falsely stated she was being transferred to Coruscant. She was then reunited with her father during the Battle of Coruscant.

Following the battle, Ruusaan, along with the majority of her father's clan, relocated to Mandalore. It was there that she attended the funeral service held for Etain Tur-Mukan. Several days after the funeral, she and her father took a walk around a lake situated just north of Kal's stronghold in Kyrimorut, finally having the opportunity to discuss their lives and experiences.

Behind the scenes

Given that Tor Skirata, her oldest brother, is described as being three years her senior, and thirty-nine years old in Order 66: A Republic Commando Novel, it can be inferred that Ruusaan Skirata was likely born around 55 BBY and is approximately thirty-six years of age in Order 66: A Republic Commando Novel, during her reunion with her father. During the events of Imperial Commando: 501st, it was mentioned that Cov, her clone lover, would be older than Ruusaan in 8 years.

In Order 66: A Republic Commando Novel, Ruusaan Skirata is also described as possessing the same "piercing blue eyes and the prominent cheekbones" as her father.

