
Commander Roshton was a male Human who held a command position within the Grand Army of the Republic during the period known as the Clone Wars.


Roughly a year following the events of the First Battle of Geonosis, Roshton received orders to escort Kinman Doriana, an advisor to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, to the planet Cartao. Their assigned task was to gain the support of Spaarti Creations in order to produce advanced Spaarti cloning cylinders. The Separatists soon became aware of this plan and initiated an assault on Cartao.

Roshton's directives were to both defend Spaarti Creations from capture and to ensure the continued production of the Spaarti cloning cylinder, but he quickly discerned that these objectives were mutually exclusive. Engaging the enemy forces risked damage to the manufacturing complex, while failing to engage would result in its swift capture by the Separatists. He commanded only nine hundred clone troopers, while the Separatist forces consisted of five thousand battle droids along with their MTT transport vehicles, AAT tanks, and hundreds of STAPs.

Despite the potential for damage from combat, Roshton made the decision to have his troops seek cover inside the facility. After his meeting with Jafer Torles, the Jedi Guardian of Cartao, Roshton decided he needed a revised plan to prevent significant damage to the facility. He then instructed his troops to relocate into the tunnels extending from the main plant, establishing positions from which they could harass the rear and flanks of the Separatist forces throughout the adjacent city and forest area.

Roshton, disguised as a groundskeeper, strategically placed remote-detonated landmines around the premises. His strategy was progressing successfully until Separatist forces caused the collapse of the exits to an access tunnel, trapping his troops inside. While Kinman Doriana, Jafer Torles, and Republic Lieutenant Laytron initiated a daring rescue operation that liberated Roshton and his surviving troopers, a Republic gunship destroyed the entire facility, allegedly under orders from Jedi Knights.

