Ropagi II, a planetary body situated within the Kira sector, existed along the Enarc Run. Functioning as a terminus for the Kira Run, it served as the homeworld for a pair of indigenous species. The planet is considered Legends material.
This planet was characterized by two continents, designated Forethought and Afterthought, alongside extensive polar ice formations. A distinguishing characteristic was its diminished gravity and the remarkably level terrain of its expansive plains. It was said that no location on the planet exceeded an altitude of 20 meters above the prevailing sea level.
The planet maintained a relatively consistent average temperature of approximately 25°C throughout the year, exhibiting minimal seasonal variation.
It possessed a single satellite moon.
Two native species inhabited this planet: the near-human Ropagu and the remarkably long-lived Kalduu. For a period spanning roughly 4000 BBY, the Ropagu were perpetually engaged in internecine warfare, resulting in the division of the land into approximately forty-five distinct nations, each pursuing its own unique objectives and priorities.
Eventually, the Kalduu established contact with the Ropagu, employing their mental capabilities to subtly shape their cognitive processes. This interaction initiated a symbiotic relationship between the two species: the Ropagu benefited from the Kalduu's intellectual insights, while the Kalduu obtained sustenance by consuming bacteria and microorganisms from the bodies of their hosts.
The Ropagu's societal structure evolved into one centered around peace. Military training and practices were discontinued, with discussions becoming the primary means of resolving disputes. Philosophers with a forward-looking orientation congregated on the continent of Forethought, while those with a greater emphasis on historical perspectives resided on Afterthought. This division fostered a sense of rivalry between the two factions, each tending to view the other with a degree of condescension. The Ropagu also developed advanced technical proficiencies, particularly in areas such as droid maintenance and computer programming. A monorail system interconnected the cities on Forethought, and skyshuttle services provided transportation between all of the planet's urban centers.
Despite their aversion to physical conflict, the Ropagu recognized the necessity of maintaining armed forces. Consequently, they began employing off-world mercenaries for security purposes. Situated along the heavily trafficked Enarc Run, Ropagi II prospered due to its abundant natural resources. The planet also emerged as the foremost marketplace for mercenary services. However, stringent regulations confined all off-worlders to a designated city known as the Off-Worlders' Quarter, as well as several orbital platforms, thereby mitigating the potential for industrial pollution. While the hiring of mercenaries was permitted, the importation of weaponry was strictly prohibited, with violations punishable by imprisonment ranging from two to twelve years.
With the establishment of the Kira Run in 70 BBY, Ropagi gained recognition as one of the "Twin Stars of Kira".
During the dominion of the Galactic Empire, this planet was one of its many member worlds. However, the Empire rarely interfered in the internal affairs of Ropagi II. The planet's defense was entrusted to Leesa One-Eye and a space fleet consisting of six Y-Wings. Even following the Battle of Endor, the Ropagu remained undecided on whether to align themselves with the New Republic or the Empire, opting instead to provide services to both factions involved in the conflict.
The Ropagu were a near-human species distinguished by their pale white skin, pink eyes, and dark hair. They possessed a delicate physique and exhibited a feline-like grace in their movements. Although their physical attributes were not conducive to warfare, they were once embroiled in perpetual conflict among various nations. Following the Kalduu's intervention in shaping the Ropagu's cognitive processes, they transitioned into a peaceful civilization. Living in a symbiotic relationship with the Kalduu, the Ropagu now prioritized peace, intellect, and discourse above all else.
The Kalduu were a long-lived, non-humanoid species characterized by their telepathic abilities. They possessed a hemispherical body and four tentacles, moving through levitation, often in complete silence. Their symbiotic partnership with the Ropagu began approximately four millennia ago, following their manipulation of the latter. The Kalduu could utilize their telepathic powers to communicate among themselves, forming a collective consciousness, or with external entities, establishing connections that could endure for over a day.
This expansive complex, situated on the outskirts of the city of Ebyl, housed comprehensive records of Ropagi II's history, dating back to approximately 10,000 BBY. Staffed by numerous 3PO-series protocol droids, it welcomed visitors of all backgrounds.
Despite its designation as a "quarter," this location was, in reality, a self-contained city situated within a large natural bay on the continent of Forethought. All off-worlders were required to register here before being granted access to the rest of the planet. It was also the location of the renowned mercenary markets, as well as a starport, cantinas, and casinos.
Ropagi II was initially conceived for the roleplaying supplement book Twin Stars of Kira published by West End Games. Although the planet did not feature in any of the published adventures, it was further developed in an additional chapter authored by John Terra. The planet received subsequent mention in West End Games' Alien Encounters, where both indigenous species were given individual entries.